Several Montana Ski Resorts Report First Snowfalls Of The Season

Good news, Montana skiers: yesterday, September 21st, several ski resorts in the state reported their first snowfalls of the season.

The list includes Whitefish Mountain Resort, Lost Trail Ski Area, and Showdown Montana.

Here's the roundup.

As a Missoula resident and Snowbowl local, I feel a bit left out. Fifty-five degrees and rainy in town apparently wasn't cold enough for snow up high.

However, any snow in Montana is better than no snow in Montana, particularly with several forecasters predicting that the El Niño will bring warm and dry conditions to the state this winter. Plus, Lost Trail isn't that far from Missoula.

Here's hoping that the trend of cool fall conditions keeps up. After reading the unfortunate long-term El Niño winter forecasts for Montana, I thought about buying a pair of groomer skis, but I'd love to be proven wrong. Think snow, people!

To check out Powder's list of first snowfall at major North American resorts, click here.

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