‘After seven years of dementia decline, Mama is back’

Angela Huth and her daughter Eugenie
Angela Huth and her daughter Eugenie - Andrew Crowley

Christmas Charity Appeal 2023

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It was late 2016 when novelist Angela Huth’s loved ones began to see creeping signs of what would turn out to be dementia. “She was becoming anxious and frenetic and started writing lots of lists,” recalls her daughter Eugenie. “It was around Christmas and she became unusually flustered and panicked about getting a turkey. Her cooking got strange too. I remember her making these green pancakes.”

Within weeks, there was an incident which resulted in the police knocking on the door. “She’d been trying to park the car and basically did it like a dodgem, bumping into other cars and not really noticing,” says Eugenie. “A few things like that started to happen.”

Angela, now 85, had always been the front and centre of her family life with her daughter Eugenie, her husband the academic James Howard-Johnston, and her daughter Candida, from her marriage to the late writer and traveller Quentin Crewe.

“She ran the show,” says Eugenie, of growing up in Oxford. “She was the life and soul and the candle around which we all flitted. Mum was at her desk writing every morning – work was her life and everything that gave her meaning – but she was really present with me and had so much energy. She made childhood magical.”

Before her writing career, Angela was one of the BBC’s first female presenters, hosting a cultural documentary series called Man Alive in the 1960s. “Because of her work, she knew lots of interesting people, so we’d have Jeremy Irons arrive for Sunday lunch on his motorbike, and Princess Margaret would come to visit. They met when Margaret was married to Antony Armstrong-Jones and stayed friends forever. I was a tomboy and, when she came to stay, I would be quite cross about having to curtsy. I’d hang out with her police officers, then go off to gigs and they would come to pick me up.”

In 1995, Angela wrote her best-known book Land Girls (made into a film starring Rachel Weisz) and another six novels followed before her last book, a memoir called Not The Whole Story, which she was still working on as symptoms of dementia developed in 2017. “She was on the last chapter and just couldn’t write it, she was really struggling,” says Eugenie. “We were in Norfolk on a family holiday and my dad sat with her, typing up that last bit, trying to edit it and put it together. It was an incredibly sweet moment.”

Land Girls novelist Angela Huth has returned to writing after treatment has alleviated some of the symptoms of dementia
'40 people had sent us Christmas cards, and she replied to each one' - Andrew Crowley for the Telegraph

After tests with the GP, Angela was diagnosed with a mix of Alzheimer’s and vascular dementia in February 2018, following a trip to the memory clinic. It was later confirmed by a CT scan.

“Birthdays were always a big deal and that year she forgot mine for the first time. To go from this fiercely independent woman to somebody who can’t quite remember which of us she’s talking about, we’ve acclimatised to all of that now but those firsts – the first birthday and the first time the name isn’t remembered – would hit hard. I was breaking for months.”

Angela was no longer able to write, nor indulge her passion for reading. “She stopped being able to construct stories in her head and it got to the point where she couldn’t absorb or find any pleasure in reading, so the two things she loved the most were no longer available to her,” says Eugenie.

Then, in 2021, there was a turnaround when Angela was prescribed the dementia drug Memantine. “She began to read again,” remembers James. “She started with a huge novel called The Voyage by Charles Morgan. It’s about 600 pages and she just devoured it.”

Angela herself recalls her return to reading – though not all her new literary adventures were quite such a success. “Since I’ve been better I’ve been getting lots of new books to read and, quite honestly, they’re some of the worst books I’ve ever read,” she smiles. “I keep blaming James.”

Reading wasn’t the only difference. “She was also able to hold a pen and wrote several touching, affectionate letters to our friends,” says James. “Her short-term memory was better, and she was the one reminding me of things, like when to give her painkillers.”

Memantine was effective on some of the physical effects too. “Her hands had become clumsy and she couldn’t hold a knife, but taking Memantine remedied that a bit.”

But while the medication helped considerably, the lowest point was still to come, in 2022. “Mum had a bad fall. She was carrying things – she’d forgotten that she can’t walk and carry stuff at the same time – and fell and hit her head,” says Eugenie. “She found that so disorientating, we just didn’t know whether she’d ever be able to come home or get out of a wheelchair and the pain compounded everything. We got a doctor to put her on a course of morphine and were thinking that we really might be going into the final stage of her life.”

Novelist Angela Huth (centre) with her daughter Eugenie and husband Paul
Novelist Angela Huth (centre) with her daughter Eugenie and husband Paul - Andrew Crowley for the Telegraph

Yet there was soon to be another remarkable improvement in Angela’s condition. She went into a nursing home for two weeks in early December, ahead of a trip James and Eugenie were making to see family in the US. There, a nurse advised her to come off the beta blockers she’d been taking since 2015 for high blood pressure. “The nurses noticed her pulse was very slow,” explains James. “They thought it was probably caused by one of her blood-pressure pills, and the GP confirmed that she should come off it.”

Despite this decision being unrelated to Angela’s dementia, James saw a difference just two days later, noticing she was much sharper. On returning home, she improved further. “She began writing again. About 40 people had sent us Christmas cards and she replied, writing three sides of a card to each of them.”

By Christmas, she was holding court with the family. “She suddenly would say, ‘I’ve got something to say, everyone be quiet’,” recalls James. “She’s back in command, and I have to do what I’m told.”

Eugenie remembers an unexpectedly special festive season. “We’d been thinking ‘Will this be the last Christmas?’, as I’ve thought so many times before, and then, on Boxing Day, she turned to my husband Bud and said ‘It just so happens I’ve had a few bad years, and now I’m back’. She started talking about her idea for a new book and claimed ‘I had dementia. I don’t have it anymore’.”

The Land Girls, a 1998 film starring Anna Friel, Catherine McCormack and Rachel Weisz, is based on an Angela Huth novel
The Land Girls, a 1998 film starring Anna Friel, Catherine McCormack and Rachel Weisz, is based on an Angela Huth novel - PA/Paul Chedlow

Angela herself recalls the change. “I was definitely feeling better and I was taking a lot more in,” she says. “On Boxing Day, we were at Eugenie’s for lunch and, when there was a moment’s silence, I saw this sentence run across my head. I get a sentence, which I can literally see, and it’s usually the first of a book. Books come to me in this great ribbon of words, and, when people ask me about writing, I say ‘Well, I don’t know how to do it unless you see it or hear it, you can’t just pluck it out of nowhere’.”

She resumed writing a diary and, by March, Angela had started work on the new novel. “I wasn’t going to write any more, but a lot of my friends and contemporaries have started late summer books, as it were, so I thought ‘Well, I’ll have to join them’. I didn’t have much faith in what I’d be able to do. But, suddenly I couldn’t stop. I’m not saying it’s any good, it could be complete tosh,” she smiles.

Angela has now put 20,000 words together. “She’s got a really clear overview of what the story will be,” says Eugenie. “Sometimes she forgets the name of the characters, but broadly, she’s able to go back and do the thing she loves more than anything else, which is bring the characters that are talking in her head to life.”

James says such a turnaround has come as complete news to Angela’s doctors, and there has been no prognosis for the future. “Our GP did some research and found that there was one similar case in America. They are taking it on board, but it comes as a surprise to them.”


Christmas Charity Appeal 2023

Support our four chosen organisations

Simon Wheeler, Senior Knowledge Officer at Alzheimer’s Society, says that stopping certain medications can potentially benefit dementia patients. “Dementia is by definition a progressive and irreversible condition,” he says. “The symptoms will always become more severe as the damage caused by brain disease becomes more extensive. One possible exception to this might be if other things are making their dementia symptoms worse and these are addressed.

“Examples might include stopping certain medications that cause confusion, or treating or managing other health conditions. While these may not treat the underlying brain disease, they can make it easier for a person to think and remember things with the level of disease that they have.”

Things have continued to be positive throughout 2023. “She’s not better, it’s not a miracle, but it does make you think there are situations, including other medication, that can exacerbate dementia symptoms,” says Eugenie. “Every Sunday, we have a roast and go around the table and talk about the best thing that has happened that week. Mum couldn’t participate because she wouldn’t know what time was or when something had happened, and suddenly she was back. It’s like the lights are back on. It’s fun to be around her, and she’s not just sitting around bearing witness to family life, she’s actively part of it. She will have a chat about art or cooking or she’ll read a book and be able to give a review of it.”

Her mother’s renaissance has been an unparalleled joy for Eugenie. “I felt I’d already grieved, so the gift of getting a bit of her back has been so unexpected,” she says. “It’s like we’ve gone down a series of hills very fast and it’s been really overwhelming, and now we’ve got this plateau. I’m aware it’s not going to be forever but I’m so grateful. I’ve never known anybody with a greater will to live. We’ve thought mum is near the end so many times – and now I think she’s probably going to live until she’s 185.”

“This is an example of how treatment can help improve symptoms for people with dementia, but Memantine is not a cure and does not slow the progression of the disease in the brain. That is why Race Against Dementia is funding researchers around the world to find treatments, and ultimately a cure, for this devastating condition,” says Dr Sam Nightingale, a Race Against Dementia Associate Fellow.

Race Against Dementia is one of four charities supported by this year’s Telegraph Christmas Charity Appeal. The others are Go Beyond, the RAF Benevolent Fund and Marie Curie. To make a donation, please visit telegraph.co.uk/2023appeal or call 0151 284 1927

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