​Seth Meyers' Son Was Born in His Apartment Lobby

Photo credit: YouTube
Photo credit: YouTube

From Cosmopolitan

Okay, so, Seth Meyers and his wife Alexi Ashe welcomed a baby boy into the world on Sunday night. Which, yay! But also, said baby boy was born in their apartment lobby due to Alexi not making it to the hospital in time to deliver.

The late night host told the story on his show Monday night (just one night after the emergency delivery!), explaining that he had to improvise the birth himself. Because yep, emergency personelle didn't get there until after the baby did, who-by the way-was kept warm by towels that Seth's friendly neighbors put into a dryer.

"My wife just says, 'I can't get into the car, I'm going to have the baby right now, the baby is coming,'" Seth said. "My wife is saying, 'The baby is coming. The baby is out.' At which point [the doula] looked and then looked at me and said, 'The baby is out.' I looked at my wife, and the only way I can describe the way my wife looked, was she looked like someone who was hiding a baby in a pair of sweatpants."

He continued: "I called 911 and over the course of a minute conversation, I said, 'We’re about to have a baby-we’re having a baby-we had a baby. It was...I went from someone calling in about an emergency, to just sharing good news with a stranger."

And yes, there's a photo.

Photo credit: YouTube
Photo credit: YouTube

By the way, if you're in the mood to tear up from happy feels, the host started to cry as he spoke about his wife (MY HEART!), joking: "I’m getting choked up thinking about how brave I was."

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