Servers, Tell Us The Subtly Shady Things Customers Do That Frustrate The Staff

It's no secret that folks who work in food service deal with A LOT. In addition to the intense hours and physical toll of their jobs, these workers also have to deal with perhaps the worst thing of all: customers.

A server writing an order on a notepad
Willie B. Thomas / Getty Images

As we've seen time and time again, the customer is NOT always right, despite the entitled attitudes many of them hold. And, there are many ways that customers can be a pain in the neck for their servers. Not every difficult patron throws an adult tantrum or demands a free bill. There are plenty of other, perhaps more subtle, ways that customers can cause a ruckus.

A customer talking to a server
Ronnie Kaufman / Getty Images

Maybe you work as a server in a popular sports bar and grill. It frequently gets busy during big games or on weekend evenings. Sometimes, you're understaffed and forced to cover extra sections, so you run all over the place. There's nothing you hate more than when a customer snaps their fingers at you to get your attention. It immediately ticks you off and makes you want to pretend you didn't see them.

Someone snapping their fingers
Flashpop / Getty Images

Perhaps you really can't stand when customers ask to switch tables for dumb reasons. You find it selfish and frustrating when folks get seated at a table, begin their dining experience, then ask to move further from the door, from a table to a booth, or away from a family with kids.

An empty cafe table
Inti St Clair / Getty Images/Tetra images RF

Or, maybe nothing grinds your gears more than someone who leaves a tragically low tip, or writes some sort of note on the receipt instead of providing a tip.

A customer signing their restaurant bill
Westend61 / Getty Images/Westend61

People who work (or have worked) in food service, what are some shady things customers do that frustrate the staff? Tell us in the comments or submit anonymously using this form for a chance to be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post.