A series of crazy coincidences lead a woman back to her lost diamond ring when it’s found by someone else who’d been in her exact same position years before

Finding a ring in a parking lot is as rare as finding a diamond in the rough. Just ask Shelley Wells, who lost her diamond ring in a J.C. Penney parking lot in Louisiana Dec. 5.

But, it wasn’t that hard for Shirley Ross, who stumbled upon a diamond ring in the same parking lot that same day. She noticed it as she was getting out of her car. And it was the one Wells was looking for. Thanks to Facebook, and chance, they connected.

Earlier that day, Wells took that ring off as she sat in her car. She placed it in her lap to put on hand lotion and then got out of her car forgetting it was there, according to local news station KTAL. She got the ring last year as a 20th anniversary gift from her husband.

Once she realized it was missing, she searched the parking lot but never found it. “That night I got into bed and I said, ‘OK, I’m going to post it on Facebook,” Wells told KTAL. She was hoping someone would spot it and return it to her. Her post went up at 10:19 p.m. that night.

I’m asking all of my Facebook friends for a special request. I lost my 20 year anniversary ring in the parking lot of JC…

Posted by Shelley Jenkins Wells on Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Ross almost brought the sparkler into the store when she found it but something told her it was her mission to find the owner.

“As I looked at the ring, I said, ‘No, I can’t, I must pursue this,’” Ross recalled. “’I must find the owner of this ring.’”

One of the reasons Ross felt so compelled to keep the ring was because she’d been in this exact position before. According to KTAL, she took off her wedding ring while parked in her car years ago. Just like Wells, she was putting lotion on her hands and got out of her car forgetting the ring was there. She never found the ring.

So, exactly one minute after Wells posted, at 10:20 p.m., Ross’ daughter posted something about found the ring on Facebook in an attempt to find the ring’s owner, according to KTAL.

Shreveport FB team- a wedding ring set was found in the Youree Dr JC Penney parking lot. If you know anyone who lost their rings, please let me know.

Posted by Sherri Collier on Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Wells’ post was shared over 3,200 times and she connected with Ross by Dec. 6.

This might be an answer to prayer! I’m waiting to hear back from this awesomely honest person to message me and see if it’s mine!!

Posted by Shelley Jenkins Wells on Thursday, December 6, 2018

And just three hours later, her ring was returned to her. “[T]hank you to the most wonderful lady who saw it in the parking lot and was honest enough turn it in!” she wrote on Facebook. “I truly have been gifted a Christmas miracle!!”

GOD is soooo GOOD!My ring has been found! Thank you friends for helping me in this search! I am humbled by each of…

Posted by Shelley Jenkins Wells on Thursday, December 6, 2018