What September's New Moon in Virgo Means for Your Sign

On Thursday, September 14, 2023, at 9:40 p.m. ET, the new moon in Virgo will arrive, welcoming endless possibilities for the future.

Every month, the lunar cycle completes a full journey from the new moon to the full moon and back again. Each lunar phase carries a unique energy. By tapping into the essence of each lunar phase, you can connect with the universe's wisdom and synchronize your life with the stars. The moon's marvelous journey across the sky reminds us that we are a part of something greater than ourselves. And September's poetic new moon in Virgo provides the determination to start anew. This period of darkness is perfect for self-discovery. The canvas of the world is vast, and there are no limits to what you can create.

The new moon in Virgo is ripe with inspiration. Over the next few days, this transit will help you solidify what you're working towards. Take advantage of this opportunity to clear out anything not serving you. Virgo season offers an opening to realize your aspirations, accept who you truly are, and leave the past behind. This is the first new or full moon since Venus retrograde ended earlier this month, inspiring you to activate and reclaim your power. You are confidently letting go of the things holding you back and preventing you from moving forward. The new moon is your chance to gain clarity about your situation. Use this celestial reset to establish new, ambitious objectives and intentions.

Keep reading to see what the new moon in Virgo has in store for your zodiac sign.

The Spiritual Meaning of the New Moon in Astrology

New moons are a significant moment of renewal in the universe. They mark the beginning of a new lunar cycle and are considered a time of intense energy and potential. Although the moon is invisible to the naked eye during this phase, its influence is felt strongly here on Earth. A new moon occurs when the sun and the moon align the same zodiac sign at the same degree, forming a conjunction. In astrology, the sun symbolizes your heart and ego, while the moon represents the core of your being. And when these two celestial bodies align in the same zodiac sign, it's a chance to reinvent yourself.

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What to Expect From September’s New Moon in Virgo

New moons offer a fresh start, a chance to pause, and an opportunity to set yourself up for success. And Virgo's practical nature amplifies these traits. This lunar event also marks the end of Mercury retrograde on September 15, 2023, providing a radical shift away from all the retrograde madness. After completing its latest cosmic detour, Mercury has provided you with enough information to make decisions. It's time to set clear and achievable goals and make concrete plans to achieve them. Take a moment to reflect on what you truly want to accomplish this year. Write down your goals and intentions with conviction, and take the necessary steps to make them a reality.

This month's new moon in Virgo will form a grand trine with Uranus retrograde in Taurus and Pluto retrograde in Capricorn, opening a portal in the sky. In astrology, grand trines are offer alignment, support, and flow between planets. Taking place in earth signs, this grand trine is a chance to build the foundations for future manifestations. During Uranus retrograde in Taurus, you may uncover secrets that were previously unknown to you. At the same time, Pluto retrograde marks the end of one cycle and the start of another, presenting an opportunity for reflection. You are learning healthy new ways of being.

Finally, the new moon in Virgo forms a beautiful trine with Jupiter retrograde in Taurus, inviting you to seek fulfillment and spiritual growth. You don't want to be stuck in a loop repeating the same mistakes, so it's time to do some serious soul-searching. Jupiter is known to bring blessings, and this new moon is the perfect time to re-evaluate your perspective of the world, your interactions with others, and your belief system. Retrograde cycles can lead to a renewed and deeper understanding of the world around us. And with so many retrogrades activating this month's new moon, nothing will ever be the same.

What Does the Virgo New Moon Mean for Each Zodiac Sign?

The mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) will feel the new moon in Virgo the most directly. With the sun and moon both in the mutable waters of Virgo this month – it's a chance to bring your vision to life. But before you have your fun, you need to remove distractions that sapping your motivation. The new moon in Virgo is a great time to examine your daily energy usage and find more effective ways to achieve your desired outcomes. There’s an important change happening. You have the power to achieve anything you set your mind to, so go out there and make it happen.

Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) will be experiencing a much-needed sense of closure. Venus retrograde in Leo broke down your ego and provided an opportunity to understand yourself in more depth. And this new moon in Virgo will help soothe the wounds of your heart. Your thoughts are becoming clearer, allowing for a more efficient flow of ideas and information. If you need guidance about your next steps, it may be time to look inward and ask yourself tough questions. This would be a perfect night for spending time alone, meditating, or enjoying spiritual practices that ground your energy.

Finally, cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) are rediscovering a hidden talent or lost passion during this new moon. You have a lot you want to accomplish, but at some point, life got in the way. Now, the barriers are being eliminated. The new moon in Virgo is a reminder that you can do anything you set your mind to. You're realizing that what you once thought you wanted may not have been meant for you. Let go and move forward towards your new goals. It's time to release other's expectations of you. And trust your intuition and inner wisdom to guide you toward the right choices.

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