Your September Monthly Horoscope Is Here!

Photo credit: Getty/Katie Czerwinski
Photo credit: Getty/Katie Czerwinski

From Cosmopolitan

There is, perhaps, no other season that could cap off summer quuuuuite as perfectly as Leo season. This was a time to glow up, feel your best, socialize a lil out of your comfort zone, and straight up ball out. Your attitude was very much about giving yourself a much-needed break, and it sure AF paid off, because now that Virgo season's here, you're all the more refreshed and ready to take on school, more work at your job, and any other busyness going on in your life rn.

But the Virgo energy doesn't stop at you just buying some cute ass notebooks and Le Pens–this hardworking, studious sign is impacting multiple planets atm, so this next month is all about feeling like your sharpest, most "yeah, I got this" version of yourself. Mercury in Virgo makes last-minute cramming for tests a breeze, Mars in Virgo gives you the urge to clean up and remove all 12 jackets from that chair (you know the one), and Venus in Virgo adds that tidying up vibe to your relationships, so any leftover drama from ego-fueled Leo season can be put to rest. But wait, there's more: The recent New Moon in Virgo adds just a little more umph to this go-getter mood, so you can finally nab that promotion, crush it in that class, or just get into a routine that reorganizes your life so you can get those other things eventually.

To get a better sense of how Virgo hits your chart specifically, check out your 'scope below:













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