What Your September Horoscope Has In Store For Your Zodiac Sign

september 2023 horoscope
Your September 2023 Horoscope Is HereAya Kakeda

If this summer had you in an astrological tizzy, it is time to take a deep breath! September is here, and with it, the end of several retrograde seasons, clearing the way for a smooth spooky season, without any major planetary disruptions.

“The general energy for September is happy. We start the month off with these two strong planets, Venus and Jupiter, really wanting us to enjoy life, find what we love, be able to really embrace that which we love,” says Donna Page, an astrologer based in Atlanta with a graduate degree in counseling psychology.

As per usual, there are quite a few dates to keep on your radar as you breeze through September. The month begins with Venus, the planet of love and beauty, moving direct after spending the last month or so retrograde, clearing up any funky relationship energy. Phew! Jupiter, the planet of expansion and big ideas, goes retrograde on the 4th. “When a planet either moves Direct or Retrograde, they're stronger, “ Page explains. So look out for big opportunities, courtesy of Jupiter.

There will be a new moon in Virgo on the 14th, and Mercury, which has been retrograde, will go direct on the 15th. Libra season begins on the 23rd, and we’ll end the month with a fiery full moon in Aries!

What does this mean for you? Ahead, Page shares her September 2023 horoscope predictions for each zodiac sign:


Aries, prepare to be booked and busy this month because September is bringing the focus on connections and relationships for you! With Mars, the planet of action and your ruling planet, in a part of your chart that is connected with other people, the big theme of this month is drawing inspiration from those around you. Who are you surrounding yourself with, Aries? And does this group motivate you to work harder, and challenge you to be a better person? If not, it may be time to bring some new faces into the mix who do just that!

When the new moon in Virgo arrives on the 14th, you may find yourself busy with your daily tasks, which is good! All that good Virgo energy can be productive AF, and a fire sign like yourself is sure to check off at least 20 things off your to-do list once you put your mind to it! Patience is key, though. Even if something is giving you resistance, keep working at it, Aries, and don’t give up! The full moon in Aries on the 29th makes your path forward clearer. Stay true to yourself, and you will be rewarded!

aries september 2023 horoscope
Aya Kakeda - Hearst Owned


This is a big month for you Taurus, pun intended. Jupiter, the planet of expansion which is also moving retrograde, is pushing you out of your comfort zone. This is the time to explore new passions, and, potentially, career paths! Luckily, this planet’s energy has you feeling more confident than ever – so carpe diem! Book the flight, apply for the job, and ask that cutie you’ve been eyeing out. It is your time to shine, and with your positive vibrations, how could anyone say no to you?

When the full moon in fiery Aries arrives on the 29th, you may find yourself retreating inward, which makes sense! After such an outward-facing month, taking good self-care is key. Use this time to recalibrate, grab your blanket, light a candle, queue up your favorite Netflix show, and just, chill. A Taurean dream!

taurus september 2023 horoscope
Aya Kakeda - Hearst Owned


True to your twin-like nature, this is a month of push and pull for you. Venus the planet that rules our love life and all things beauty and relaxation, and Jupiter, the planet of expansion, are playing a tug of war with you, urging you to both relax and work hard and stay busy. This month is all about finding the balance...spend time deeply focused on your work, but don’t forget to come up for air, and hit up your friends to see where the party is!

The new moon in Virgo on the 14th brings attention to your physical space, making it a perfect time for a little refresh. Donate old clothes, tidy up your bedroom, and make sure you feel at ease in your home environment. The full moon in Aries amplifies the social energy for you this month, Gem, so expect to close the month on a fun note! Make plans to hit a new restaurant or club you’ve had your eye on and just let loose!

gemini september 2023 horoscope
Aya Kakeda - Hearst Owned


This month work is top of mind for you Cancer. It’s possible you have a gut feeling that something is not quite right in the career realm. But before you hand in your two weeks, take note of what it is that is not working for you. Is it the schedule? Coworkers? The actual position itself? See if you can’t find a resolution.

The new moon in Virgo on 14th triggers a part of your chart dealing with communication, so you’ll find your voice, and be able to raise any concerns to the necessary people. And since you’re a water sign...remember: approach this with facts and logic, not emotion Cancer. The full moon in Aries also lands in...you guessed it, your career realm, so continue your focus, but do make sure to balance time for yourself. Life is about work and play!

cancer september 2023 horoscope
Aya Kakeda - Hearst Owned


After an extremely fiery few months, you are finally reaping your astrological rewards, Leo! September is the last month Venus, the planet of love and beauty, will be retrograde in your sign. This means all the work you put into your relationships, and perhaps any home or personal beauty projects, will come to an end, and you can enjoy your success! The new moon enters Virgo on the 14th, marking more of an introspective period for you. It’s time to come down from the fervor of birthday celebrations and focus on the year ahead. What do you want to focus on during this turn around the sun?

Once you have that figured out, it’s time to speak it into existence. On the 23rd, when the sun moves into Libra, your communication sector comes alive. You’re chatting with everyone — from the CVS clerk to the people in the elevator on your ride up to your office – and making all sorts of important connections in doing so. Keep trusting your gut, Leo. Exciting times are ahead!

leo september 2023 horoscope
Aya Kakeda - Hearst Owned


Virgo, it’s time to shake things up! It’s your birthday season, and the Venus and Jupiter energy of this month is impacting you big time. Venus, which is all about beauty, love, and relaxation, goes direct on the third, and the next day, Jupiter, the planet of expansion, moves retrograde. This is giving you the itch to travel, and consider this your permission slip to scratch it! Take some of those well-earned PTO days you’ve been stocking up, book a flight, and go on an adventure. You deserve it, Virgo!

The Aries full moon at the end of the month puts the focus inward, on your intuition, and ability to be intimate and vulnerable with people. While opening up can be scary, the rewards are worth it. Try to push yourself to share more with the people you love and trust...it may make for a very sweet end to September!

virgo september 2023 horoscope
Hearst Owned


Rejoice, Libra, because your ruling planet of Venus (you know, the ruler of love, beauty, etc.) is no longer retrograde as of the 3rd! In fact, the planet is now direct in your house of friendship and connection, making for a fun, friend-filled month. Communication is easy for you right now, and you’ll find yourself craving more social interaction than usual. Enjoy this time, and fill your schedule with girls nights, fun dates, or whatever you like to do!

When the new moon enters Virgo on the 14th, you may be focusing your attention on your health, which is never a bad thing! Enjoy a new class like Pilates or YogaBarre that challenges you, or book some time at your local spa. Enjoy in replenishing activities now, so that when your season comes on the 23rd, you’re ready to go!

libra september 2023 horoscope
Hearst Owned


Maybe it’s the crisp start of fall air or the knowledge that spooky (and Scorpio) season is around the corner, but you are feeling yourself this September, Scorp! No matter what the plans, you’re down! EDM festival? Check. Wine and crafts night at your bestie’s apartment? You’ll be there. Pole dancing class? Count you in! You’re feeling sociable and energized, and it is time to let yourself enjoy all of your interests! The new moon in Virgo on the 14th dials this energy up, spotlighting your friendships and partnerships even further. Bring on the fun times!

When Mercury goes direct on the 15th, networking and your career take center stage. New job prospects are flying your way through your excellent communication skills...no surprise there! Consider your options, and think everything through before you take any major action, though, Scorp. Let your intuition be your guide here.

scorpio september 2023 horoscope
Hearst Owned


The stars are pointing to a pretty fun-filled September for you, Sag! With Venus, the planet of love and beauty, in your house of exploration and growth, it is a great time to follow your heart. Have you been wanting to spend a weekend at the beach by yourself? Time to book it! Or maybe you’ve been wanting to try out that pottery class you saw advertised, whatever you’re craving, take the plunge! The new moon in Virgo on the 14th infuses your career life with a new creative spirit so expect the positive feedback to roll in!

When the sun moves into Libra on the 23rd your focus shifts back to fun, especially with friends. The harmonious Libra energy brings an effortless energy to your interactions. Enjoy this time, and fill up your social cup. When the full moon in Aries arrives on the 29th, you’ll be feeling happy and fulfilled!

sagittarius september 2023 horoscope
Hearst Owned


Capricorn, this should be music to your ears, but Virgo season is all about productivity for you! The earth sign energy is strong, and you are running through your to do lists, and creating color-coded spreadsheets like never before! You’ll find a lot of satisfaction in these tasks, so enjoy! Be sure to reward yourself for your efforts too – perhaps a fall getaway is in order...we already know you’re good at planning!

When the sun moves into Libra on the 23rd, the spotlight shifts to your career, where you are being recognized for the hard work you’ve been putting in. (Finally, someone noticed those gorgeous files you organized!) Accept the praise, and keep up the hard work! The full moon in Aries on the 29th encourages you to find a balance between work and personal life, so make sure to take some downtime!

capricorn september 2023 horoscope
Hearst Owned


The interplay of Venus, the planet of love and beauty, and Jupiter, the planet of expansion, makes this an important month for you, Aquarius! You’re feeling more yourself than ever, and are ready to express all your quirks! Lucky for you, with the loving Venus energy, your friendships are flourishing and everyone around you is celebrating your eccentricities.

The new moon in Virgo on the 14th has you opening up, likely because of the support of your friends and fam at the beginning of the month! Lean into this, and communicate your desires personally and professionally. The Aries full moon on the 29th makes your communication even stronger, so keep sharing your ideas, Aquarius! They are important and can lead to exciting new opportunities!

aquarius september 2023 horoscope
Hearst Owned


Pisces, this energy starts off on a light and fun note for you. Venus is helping you enjoy the little things in life, while Jupiter is pushing you to get out of your comfort zone. Relish your routine, but don’t be afraid to break out of it when the opportunity comes. Last-minute concert tickets, dinner reservations, or art shows can’t be missed this month!

The New Moon in Virgo on the 14th turns your attention to partnerships and collaborations. This is an opportunity to evaluate the connections that matter most to you and communicate openly with those you're aligned with. Mercury's direct motion adds clarity to conversations, helping you resolve any lingering issues or misunderstandings, and potentially create some magical things with the ones you love!

pisces september 2023 horoscope
Hearst Owned

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