Senior Golden Retriever Returns Home After Being Lost in Alaskan Woods for 65 Days

In Sitka, Alaska on July 7 the Mahoskey family, Sarah and Jerome and kids Kai and Quinn, were hanging out on their deck and enjoying time with their 13-year-old Golden Retriever named Stella when a burst of fireworks sent Stella bolting into the woods.

Stella was found in a quarry last month and she's now save and sound at home with her family, after surviving 65 days alone in the Alaskan wilderness.

After she ran off The Mahoskeys searched until the sun went down but had no luck finding their beloved dog. KTOO reports that a neighbor shared this alarming news with the family, "They said, Did you hear that there was a bear that attacked a dog last night?” Sarah said. “We had the windows open in the back of the house and my wife heard this altercation that sent chills up her spine. And basically, I don’t think your dog could be alive.”

The family never gave up hope that they would one day see Stella again, and for two months Sarah and Jerome’s friends started hiking the trails around where she went missing. KTOO reports, In early September, they got one final call – from Tim Eddy, a friend of Jerome’s who was working at the quarry that day.

“He said, do you have a golden retriever? And Jerome said, Well, we did have a golden retriever. And he says, Well, I think this is your golden retriever.”

Stella was down to 30 pounds, about half of her normal body weight. She had a wide gash across her left side. The Mahoskeys haven’t confirmed that the gash was from a bear, but they believe that’s the most likely explanation. Stella is now safe and sound at home and now Stella is up to 41 pounds, and eating a fried egg with her morning breakfast to help her gain weight.

There's nothing as wonderful as a happy ending like this, but it's also a good reminder that even a dog who seems comfortable around loud noises like fireworks may take off if they get frightened.

During fireworks, if your pup is enjoying them with you outside, it's always a good idea to keep your fur baby leashed just in case. If they seem agitated, bring them back inside.

We are so happy Stella is home safe and sound and here's hoping this sweet girl sticks close to home from now on!

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