Senior Dog with Chronic Bronchitis Tugs at Everyone's Heartstrings

It's so hard watching your best friend grow old.

One of the worst parts about dog ownership is knowing that one day your precious friend will grow old, and possibly get sick, and eventually die. It's horrible! You open your heart to an animal and love them for so many years and watch them grow and no one likes to think about their dog getting older and dying. But that's the sad, painful, beautiful fact about loving and living with a dog.

No one knows this quite as much as the TikTok account @iam_buttons who lets us into the world of their senior dog Buttons and all the trials, tribulation and joy that comes with senior dog ownership. Buttons has chronic bronchitis and she uses a nebulizer and our hearts can't stand it.

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Buttons is just so precious. TikTok watchers agree and @Patrick comments, "Buttons loves life because she has great loving parents!" @Truth adds, "Poor baby. I'm happy she's loved and so well taken care of." @Rachel replies, "Awwww Buttons… I’d give you my lungs if I could."

And because this clip of sweet Buttons isn't touching enough, the account holder previously posted this one.

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Oh my gosh. Sorry, if you need us we will be over here never not crying. This is just.... add all the crying emojis. *Sob.* We love you Buttons. We love all senior dogs.

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