Selma Blair Just Said She Doesn't Mind Her Newly Bald Head

Photo credit: Instagram
Photo credit: Instagram

From Women's Health

  • Selma Blair is heading home after being away for more than two months.

  • She recently underwent an intense round of treatment for her multiple sclerosis.

  • The treatments caused her to lose her hair.

Last week, Selma Blair revealed that recently underwent an intense round of treatment for multiple sclerosis and shaved her head. Now, she’s finally going home.

Selma shared the news in an emotional new Instagram post that showed off a city skyline at dawn. “I have been away from California for two months,” she wrote in the caption. “I will go home soon. I will sleep near my son that first night and thank the stars every waking minute that he IS. I am. You are. This is what we have.”

Selma said that she is “bowing down to all that have shown up for me. For my son. For my eventual recovery. For the curiosity to learn more on behalf of other people. The women that have stopped me saying sharing has meant something. Thank you. Thank you. I carry your faces in my pocket to fumble for and look at when I feel down.”

“I root for the people willing to change their lives for the better every day,” she continued. “It’s brave. It’s worth it. Trying. Doing. Energy breeds energy. And I have been given so much and I send as much as I can back to all of you in your bed or crying in your car or numb or angry as you might even read this. May the force be with you. Love. #newlife.”

Just an hour later, Selma shared something a little more light-hearted, poking fun at a scab that she said she’s had on her head for two months. “It stands out to me as much as my newly bald head. I don’t mind it,” she wrote in the caption. “I don’t mind the hair loss either. But if my eyebrows totally fall out, I am gonna be singing a different tune.”

“Well, this is me. Right now so you know I just don’t post old photos,” she said.

People have been so supportive in the comments. “Always warrior , you're awesome!!!!” one wrote. “I know no other person who had touched the lives of so many and changed their lives for the better by giving them strength, hope and inspiration by the actions that you share,” another said. “Selma you are a doer, a leader, a role model for healing.”

Welcome home, Selma. We’re all rooting for you.

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