The Self-Care Guide for Lazy People

Does a 90-minute vinyasa class or baking a loaf of sourdough from scratch count as self-care? Sure. But if your vibe is slightly more laid-back (guilty), here are some more low-maintenance—but just as valuable—ways to treat yourself. (Because you totally deserve it.)

RELATED: 25 Totally Free Ways to Practice Self-Care

Keep a One-Word Journal

Who has the time to write a lengthy entry every day about your innermost thoughts and dreams? Ugh, not us. Instead, we’re all about one-word journaling, the low-key ritual where you pick a word that captures the spirit of your day—no other requirements or restrictions. Simple.

Do a Two-Minute Stretch

Let’s be honest: The best part of a workout is that delicious stretch at the end. So, in the name of self-care, we’re skipping the exercise part and going straight to the good stuff. Here’s an easy stretch that will elongate your spine and feel ah-mazing. (But chilling out in child’s pose is also totally acceptable.)

Call Your Best Friend

You and your squad text on a regular basis, but next time you’re walking to an appointment or waiting for the bus, pick up the phone for a quick chat with your bestie. It’s guaranteed to put a smile on your face and make a typically-dull activity way more fun.

Take a Deep Breath

Aka how to feel more relaxed in just 16 seconds.

Put on a Sheet Mask

Bring the spa to you with a pampering (and low-effort) sheet mask. Slip it on, pour yourself a glass of wine and turn on the latest episode of The Handmaid’s Tale. Then congratulate yourself on reaching peak nirvana.

Purge Your Instagram

Your old high school classmate who can’t let a day go by without posting an inspirational quote? Delete. That ultra-toned, six-packed stranger who loves posting #workoutselfies? Gotta go. Instapurging will make you feel so much better about your feed life.

Do Nothing

Just sit on the couch and chill. Maybe take a nap. Or you know, don’t. You do you.

RELATED: 10 Self-Care Moments to Sneak In This Weekend