Selena Gomez Noticed Something Really Disturbing About Snapchat's Filters

Selena Gomez Noticed Something Really Disturbing About Snapchat's Filters

Hey, look what I found in the pool? Okay, let me see. These questions. Perfect, I love questions. Don't you? Yes. [SOUND] [BLANK_AUDIO] What's the last thing you Googled? Actually, a Bible verse. What? Yeah. [UNKNOWN] What a good influence on our young. I don't Don't give me that. Alright, go ahead. What's one thing you've liberated from a set or a shoot? That I've actually inherited [CROSSTALK]? Perhaps it's come home with you. I got to keep my wand when I was on my show. Have you used your wand lately? No. It's in a pretty little frame, and I keep it somewhere special [CROSSTALK] If you get angry at someone can you just go, I. I wish. Curse you! [LAUGH] What's one accessory that gives you instant confidence? Surprisingly a nice little black dress. Just a simple Jen Anniston type of dress. Cuz you can look very minxy in those. Yeah. Mm-hm. Classy. What is the movie you will watch every single time? Serendipity>>Is it because it's so serendipidous>>Perhaps but I also adore Kate Beckinsale>>Do you like ice skating?>>No because I'm not good at it. Do you?>>No>>Ok>>And what are you reading right now>>I'm actually reading Feelers by Arian Huffington. There she is. That's it. There it was. Done. [NOISE]

Snapchat — remember it? You can change your virtual appearance in a single tap, giving you the convenience to switch between deformed alien and radiant goddess aesthetics in the same breath.

The multi-hyphenate was testing out some filters recently when she came across a disturbing trend: all the “pretty” filters give you blue eyes.

"Literally every single Snapchat filter has the blue eyes. What if you have brown eyes? Am I supposed to have these eyes ... to look good?" Gomez asked.

She soon realized that she was wrong — there are filters that allow brown eyes to remain their signature hue: there’s the one that magnifies the bottom two-thirds of your face and leaves your eyes tiny, beady second-class citizens, and there’s the one that transforms you into a piranha person with a frighteningly large mouth, massive eyes, and a teeny nose.

"They have all the blue eyes for all the ones that are, like, really pretty and then I put on this and it's like brown ... brown eyes," she continued.

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Like so many before her, the 26-year-old chose to hang her Snapchat hat and devote herself to Instagram instead. "I think I'll just stick to the 'gram. Brown eyes are beautiful, everyone,” she concluded.

Do you hear that? That’s the sound of the Snapchat development team frantically throwing together a brown-eyed glamor filter.