Selena Gomez’s Breakover Bangs Will Give You Major Hair Envy


When you’re a celebrity and you go through a breakup, there are certain rites of passage you must fulfill. And since her recent split with The Weeknd, Selena Gomez has been checking the boxes with aplomb. Spotted kissing and canoodling with her ex, the inimitable Justin Bieber? Done. Released hot new video? Done. And this weekend, Gomez debuted the obligatory new post-breakup hairstyle, replete with adorable bangs, on her Insta-stories. (It could be a wig, tbh, but still, it’s the spirit that counts.)

“Today Is The Day,” Gomez captioned the video story, which featured her riding in the car and rocking out with her girlfriends while sporting a white T-shirt and said choppy-banged bob. Now there are bangs, and there are bangs, and Gomez’s enviably thick fringe definitely falls into the latter category. (Note to self: Bring screenshot of this style to next salon visit.)

It certainly looks like Sel is living her best life—and having one of her best hair days—without The Weeknd.