Seeking Love (and Good Vibes) This Valentine’s Day? Try Jacquie Aiche’s New Ruby, Quartz, and Tourmaline Jewelry

Jacquie gallery

“Ruby is a crystal of passion. It brings women an irresistible air of sensuality, making it a power gemstone for femininity and romance.”
Jacquie Aiche ruby Elizabeth necklace, $15,000,
“Rhodochrosite is an essential for the woman seeking love. This gemstone is your personal Cupid, known for attracting soulmates and unconditional love.”
Jacquie Aiche rhodochrosite empress ring, $6,250,
“Rose quartz restores trust and heals emotional wounds of the past. Its power of opening the heart will make you a magnet for unconditional, universal love.”
Jacquie Aiche rose quartz rectangle potion bottle necklace, $2,965,
“Moonstone is known as the crystal for new beginnings. This calming stone aligns your heart with your intuition and cleanses the aura of negative energy.”
Jacquie Aiche round moonstone pavé crescent necklace, $3,750,
“Rhodonite is one of the strongest heart stones. It’s perfect for the rising love of a new relationship or friendship. It inspires clear communication and illuminates the soul with compassion.”
Jacquie Aiche seven-diamond marquise rhodonite teardrop necklace, $15,500,
“Pink tourmaline is all about spreading positive vibes and transforming all energy into love. Keep this gemstone in the bedroom and you’ll feel its magic come to life . . . ”
Jacquie Aiche medium pink tourmaline bar stud, $340,

A lot of ink has been spilled over the benefits of crystals, whether you’re into placing them around your home, soaking in a crystal bath, or even experimenting with a crystal yoni egg (if you aren’t familiar, Google it!). For jewelry lovers, there’s the option of wearing crystals close to your heart, too—and on your ears, wrists, or hands. Jacquie Aiche’s store in Los Angeles is full of jewelry items made from delicate raw quartz, tourmaline, moonstone, and countless other special stones. “I love creating pieces that make women feel confident and empowered, so I tend to gravitate toward gemstones that enhance those emotions,” she says. “Each piece is a talisman of energy to give women whatever they need—whether that’s confidence and clarity, or passion and romance.”

Speaking of romance, Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and a few stones are especially suited to women in love (or women seeking love). With her brand-new ruby and rhodonite jewelry collection out now, we asked Aiche to weigh in about choosing stones based on your desires—whether you’re in a new relationship or need to recover from an old one. Above, scroll through her top picks, plus the coordinating piece to put on your Valentine’s Day wish list.

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