See if They’ve Got a Sense of Humor—Here Are the 40 Funniest Pick Up Lines To Try

Starting a conversation with your crush can be intimidating (to say the least). That's why a perfect pick up line can do the trick to break the ice and take some of the pressure off. But what if you're just being silly and flirty and want to make sure they know you aren't seriously using this conversational style as a legit opener? Well, that's where these 40 funny pick up lines come in.

From amusing to hysterical, these humorous opening statements will be sure to bring a smile to your crush's face. Whether you say them out loud, in a text or via Tinder, the creative sayings are so comical that the person you're talking to will likely respond right away while cracking up. (At least, it'll be a major green flag if they respond well and have a sense of humor!)

So, if you're looking for some entertaining ways to springboard a casual chat or check in before a first date, you've come to the right place. Enjoy reading and using these very funny pick up lines!

Funny Pick Up Lines for Him

1. What are you up to in five years? Married to me?

2. Hey, Brad Pitt! Oops, sorry.

3. Has anyone ever told you that you look like my future husband?

4. I just remembered how I know you! From my dreams!

5. Wait—why haven't we met before?

6. Hey, boyfriend.

7. Hope you're not a heartbreaker.

8. Oh yeah, you could definitely beat Timothée Chalamet at arm wrestling.

9. So weird—I couldn't see anything at all back there, but I guess it's because I only have eyes for you.

10. Here's a mint, because I think we're mint to be.

11. You must be a parking ticket, because you have "fine" written all over you.

12. Can you help me fix my phone? It needs your number.

13. Are you an electrician, or do you just naturally light up every room?

14. Whoa, did you just feel the room shake? Seeing you rocked my world.

15. Wait, you must be a boxer. You're a total knockout.

Related: Start Your Day on the Right (Love) Note With These 200 Good Morning Texts for Him

Funny Pick Up Lines for Her

16. Just so you know, I would've bought you Eras Tour tickets.

17. You remind me of my next girlfriend.

18. If I had a nickel for every time I saw someone as gorgeous as you, I'd have five cents.

19. Can you do a couple of math equations for me? 3-2, 6-5, 1x1... Weird, it looks like I'm "the one."

20. Oh wow, I hope you know CPR because right now, you're taking my breath away.

21. Hear that? I think this should be "our song."

22. Kiss me if I'm wrong—it's still 2022, right?

23. "Siri, pull up Google Maps—I just got lost looking into this girl's eyes."

24. Do you know magic? Because I swear everyone else just disappeared.

25. Did I accidentally walk into a museum? Because you're a piece of art.

26. Do you have the time? I want to remember the exact moment my life changed forever.

27. I'd say "God bless you," but He clearly already has.

28. You know what my outfit is made out of? Husband material.

29. Did the sun just burst through the clouds, or was that you smiling at me?

30. Oh, let me help catch you—I think you were just falling for me.

Related: Brighten Her Day With These 45 Sweet Good Morning Texts for Her

Funny Pick Up Lines for Tinder

31. Well, aren't you a tall drink of water? And I'm thirsty.

32. So, where should we go on our honeymoon?

33. Should we have a fling or fall in love?

34. Alright, I'm ready to delete this app and run away together.

35. I've missed you so much my whole life!

36. You swiped—I guess it was love at first sight.

37. If you were a song, you'd be the hottest single.

38. Taylor Swift would probably be inspired to write songs about us.

39. If being sexy was a crime, you'd definitely be guilty.

40. You know, I was going to say something clever, but you have me losing my mind in the best way.

Next: The One Thing You’re Doing Wrong on Your Dating Profile, According to Relationship Experts