"We See That All The Time" — This OB-GYN Says People Not Knowing They're Pregnant Is Fairly Common. Here Are Hidden Pregnancy Signs You Should Know.

I think it's pretty safe to say that not knowing you're pregnant ranks really high on the list of scariest things you can face in your lifetime. But we see it a lot. Heck, the multiple seasons of the show I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant are proof!

A woman with the text "I didn't know I was pregnant"

Well, the wife of an OB-GYN caught the attention of over a million people for asking her husband questions about how common it really is — and his experience seeing patients who don't know they're pregnant. In the TikTok video, she asks, "You know that show I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant — how some people don't know they're pregnant until they're in labor? Have you ever had anybody that didn't know they were pregnant?"

TikTok screenshot of man with the text "Asking my OBGYN husband questions"
@busymomofmany / Via tiktok.com

His response? "Yeah, we see that all the time...the ones that really get you are the ones who don't know they're pregnant and it turns out they have twins."


"Some people go a long time without having periods; they think, Oh, I can't get pregnant, I never have my periods; or they have bleeding in their pregnancy and they think it is their period; or ... 'I just thought I was gaining weight,'" her husband says in the video.

A screenshot of the woman's husband from the TikTok video
@busymomofmany / Via tiktok.com

"By the time they get to us, somebody has already told them they are pregnant," he continues. "Usually, they come into the emergency room — and we have a separate one for pregnant people — so they come into the main emergency room and they are like, 'Are you pregnant?' and they're like, 'No.' Then they do a pregnancy test or an ultrasound and they're like, 'Oh, actually, yes, you are pregnant.' So I don't get to be the one to tell them, 'You are pregnant.'"

Woman looking shocked

When asked if the people are in a state of shock, he says, "Yeah, usually they're like, 'I'm not ready for this at all. I didn't even know I was pregnant.'"


And if you're still skeptical about how common it is, the thousands of comments will prove otherwise.

One person said "I'm an ER nurse and once I had a girl come in with abdominal pain and she couldn't event sit down. The baby's head was coming out and she had no clue"
@busymomofmany / Via tiktok.com

Lots of people know someone personally this happened to...

The comment says "Happened to my step mom. Went to the hospital for stomach pain, went to use the hospital bathroom and out comes my sister. Wee call her toilet baby"
@busymomofmany / Via tiktok.com
Comment: A friend of mine thought she had kidney stones — ended up being in labor
@busymomofmany / Via tiktok.com

And even people who have had kids before have experienced it!

Comment Here's one: I didn't know I was in labour till he was CROWNING, and I had even had a baby before
@busymomofmany / Via tiktok.com

After all of this, we knew we needed to reach out to get more information. BuzzFeed spoke to Jordanna Lembo Riggs, who recorded the video, and her husband, Dr. Keith Riggs.

Riggs said that he sees people who don't know they are pregnant several times a year. "Most often they show up to the hospital complaining about stomach pains or suspected appendicitis, only to find out they are in labor."

A pregnant person in a hospital gown screaming in pain

There are few studies and research to say for certain just how common it is.

Juanmonino / Getty Images

So why does this happen more often than you'd think? Riggs said part of the problem is that a lot of the symptoms of pregnancy vary from person to person. "For example, some people have really bad nausea and vomiting their first trimester, and some people feel fine."


That being said, there are some lesser-known pregnancy red flags you can look out for if you're sexually active because — not to scare you — no contraceptive is 100% effective.

You can see a breakdown of how effective each form of contraception on the market is here.

1. Pay close attention to your period. "If you normally have regular periods and are missing a period, or if your period has become spotty, these could be signs of pregnancy," said Riggs. People who experience spotting early on may be experiencing implantation bleeding. In addition, some people bleed at times throughout their pregnancy, which can be mistaken for a regular period.

Person standing in a tub with a small patch of blood and a blood clot on the bottom of the tub
Brbara Traver Lpez De Ayala / Getty Images/EyeEm

2. Unexplained weight gain. This article may help you determine whether your weight gain is related to pregnancy.

A person standing on a scale
Peter Dazeley / Getty Images

3. Unexplained fatigue. Being overly tired can be caused by a number of things, but pregnancy can be one of them.

  Peter Dazeley / Getty Images
Peter Dazeley / Getty Images

4. A change in appetite. As your body goes through the changes that happen during pregnancy, you may lose your appetite or have cravings for foods you never liked before.

Woman looking inside a refrigerator
Westend61 / Getty Images / Westend61

5. A suddenly strong sense of smell. Hormonal changes affecting estrogen levels cause this.

  Dmitry Marchenko / Getty Images/EyeEm
Dmitry Marchenko / Getty Images/EyeEm

These are all in addition to the more common pregnancy symptoms, such as morning sickness, swollen breasts, increased urination, heartburn, and constipation.

A woman sitting at a table and looking down unhappily at a croissant
Skynesher / Getty Images

However, just because you experience one or more of these symptoms does NOT automatically mean you are pregnant! "Always take a pregnancy test to be certain. False negatives are super rare, except in situations when you may be testing too early," Riggs said. "If you are testing after a missed period, it is very likely to be accurate. If you still suspect pregnancy, retest it in one week."

Person holding a pregnancy test
Predrag Popovski / Getty Images

And never assume that you can’t get pregnant just because you’re not having your periods or you’ve been told before that you’re infertile. "If you’re having sex without contraception, there is always a possibility that you can get pregnant. I’ve seen a patient over 50 who didn’t realize she could get pregnant came into the OR for an unrelated issue and found out she was pregnant. We assume that every reproductive-aged patient who comes into the hospital is pregnant until proven otherwise," said Riggs.

A bare pregnant belly
Lwa / Getty Images

Jordanna Lembo Riggs has started filming her husband answering all her OB-GYN–related questions to raise awareness for women’s health issues and reduce the stigma around potentially embarrassing topics. "Women’s health is often neglected, unfortunately, or people feel uncomfortable talking about it. We felt that TikTok would be the perfect platform to discuss some commonly misunderstood OB-GYN–related topics while opening up a discussion," said Lembo Riggs.

You can follow Jordanna Lembo Riggs and Dr. Keith Riggs on Instagram and TikTok!