See Ruth Bader Ginsburg Barely Tolerate a Workout with Stephen Colbert

Ruth Bader Ginsburg is not messing around when she hits the gym. The 85-year-old Supreme Court Justice lifts weights, does push-ups, tosses around medicine balls, and more, all while wearing a sweater that reads “Super Diva” and listening to a soundtrack of opera. Opera. Arias might be luxurious to you, but they’re just sweat music to the notorious R.B.G.

The justice’s workout regimen went viral last year when her trainer, Bryant Johnson, released a how-to book detailing her tough routine. But now, at long last, an intrepid figure has actually been granted access to R.B.G. during workout hours, giving the people a closer look at her grueling sessions. Take it away, Stephen Colbert.

The Late Show host visited the justice down in Washington, D.C., for a segment Wednesday, where he joined her for a workout—but not before asking two pressing questions about what she actually has in common with Biggie (they’re both from Brooklyn), and whether hot dogs are sandwiches (yes, she rules). Then they got down to business, hitting the gym in workout gear—R.B.G. in her “Super Diva” sweater, Colbert in a button-down shirt and tie with a pair of gym shorts. “Let’s get fully ripped and exploded, let’s get shredded, let’s get stupid strong,” Colbert challenged. And R.B.G. accepted.

In classic Colbert fashion, the workout was more about the late-show host pushing his limits and clowning than it was about exercise. He started by introducing Ginsburg to some new workout music: “Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now)” by the C+C Music Factory. Ginsburg positively hated it.

“I would never, never exercise to that noise,” Ginsburg said, softly shaking her head. “Let’s shut it off.” (So, for the running tally here: opera music is good for the gym, but dance music is trash noise.)

They eventually got back to work, with Ginsburg putting Colbert through the ringer. Her workout . . . is legitimately hard! And she’s laser-focused, ignoring Colbert’s quips and puns throughout the entire session. That bod ain’t gonna tone itself, you know?

See Lena Waithe’s Vanity Fair Cover Shoot

Lena Waithe, photographed in Los Angeles.
Lena Waithe, photographed in Los Angeles.
Photograph by Annie Leibovitz; Portrait styled by Jessica Diehl.
Lena Waithe, photographed in Los Angeles.


Lena Waithe, photographed in Los Angeles.
Photograph by Annie Leibovitz.
Waithe takes in an old episode of The Mary Tyler Moore Show.
Waithe takes in an old episode of The Mary Tyler Moore Show.
Photograph by Annie Leibovitz.
Waithe sits in L.A. traffic.
Waithe sits in L.A. traffic.
Photograph by Annie Leibovitz.
Waithe and fiancée Alana Mayo in their kitchen, in Echo Park, California.
Waithe and fiancée Alana Mayo in their kitchen, in Echo Park, California.
Photograph by Annie Leibovitz.
Waithe fixes her coif.
Waithe fixes her coif.
Photograph by Annie Leibovitz.
Waithe’s collection of choice footwear.
Waithe’s collection of choice footwear.
Photograph by Annie Leibovitz.
Mayo and Waithe at home.
Mayo and Waithe at home.
Photograph by Annie Leibovitz.
<cite class="credit">Photograph by Annie Leibovitz; Portrait styled by Jessica Diehl.</cite>
Photograph by Annie Leibovitz; Portrait styled by Jessica Diehl.