See How One Mom Turned Her Kid's Scribbles Into Art

I looked around my apartment yesterday and wondered, When did all this stuff get here? My kid has discovered arts and crafts and Scotch tape, so from my waist down, the walls are covered in finger-painted construction paper, heavily markered looseleaf paper, and (my personal favorite) scrawled-on pieces of junk mail.

But I know I'm not alone here. Every parent I know is grappling with how to tame the ever-growing mountain of baby art. After all, it's not like I can just throw the stuff away. Even if I could get over the guilt, there's no way I could sneak the trash bag past my son, who regularly takes inventory of his creations.

So when I saw the creative way Ruth Oosterman handled her two-year-old's scribbles, I was floored. Instead of chucking them out or collecting them in a pile on the closet floor, the Canadian artist used daughter Eve's drawings as the foundation for a series of beautiful works of art called, "A painting collaboration with my toddler." (h/t Scary Mommy) Check out some of her pieces below -- and prepared to be dazzled:

Tell us: What do you do with your child's drawings?

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Artwork courtesy of Ruth Oosterman via The Mischievous Mommy