See How 23 Game of Thrones Characters Changed Since The First Episode

game of thrones cast then and now
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Having spanned eight seasons and 9 years, Game of Thrones has definitely established its own era. Within the world of the show, regimes have risen and fallen; children have grown into adults, assassins, politicians, and...Three-Eyed Ravens; and almost everyone looks very different from when the show first started in 2011. I guess war and White Walkers can really change a person. Here are 23 Game of Thrones characters, pictured in their first season, to where they ended up by the show's eighth and final outing. (Baby Arya, is that you?)

Warning, Game of Thrones spoilers the size of a full-grown dragon are incoming!

Theon Greyjoy (Alfie Allen)

Theon is definitely one of the more controversial GoT characters among fans. He commits some horrid acts in the name of trying to appear strong for his brutal Greyjoy family members, but eventually redeems himself by allying with Jon Snow and Sansa Stark after being tortured by Ramsay Snow and forced to go by the name “Reek.”

Game of Thrones Cast Then and Now

Lyanna Mormont (Bella Ramsey)

Lyanna was a great character added later in the show’s run, as the young leader of House Mormont who took power after the death of her mother. Her age didn’t stop her character from being outspoken in Northern negotiations, and she came to a noble end fighting a giant White Walker.

Game of Thrones Cast Then and Now

Varys (Conleth Hill)

With his network of secret informants or "little birds," Varys was always one step ahead of political goings on in King's Landing and all through the continents. He meets a fiery end in season 8 after he was caught conspiring against Daenerys Targaryen.

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Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke)

I mean, what can you say about Daenerys? Her shift from sympathetic heroine being sold into marriage by her brother to a chilling mother of dragons setting whole cities ablaze is an intense story arc that rubbed some fans the wrong way, but there’s no doubt that Clarke’s performance was inspired over all eight seasons.

game of thrones cast then and now

Yara Greyjoy (Gemma Whelan)

Yara Greyjoy becomes a major force as a capable warrior from the Iron Islands, but clashes with her uncle Euron for control of their maritime power in later seasons.

Game of Thrones Cast Then and Now

Brienne of Tarth (Gwendoline Christie)

Everyone’s favorite knight swears allegiance to protect several fallen characters through the series, including Renly Baratheon and Catelyn Stark, though she successfully protected characters like Sansa for a spell. She ends the series as the Kingsguard for the newly-minted monarch, Bran Stark.

Game of Thrones Cast Then and Now

The Mountain (Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson)

Responsible for some of the most brutal kills of the whole series, Gregor Clegane aka The Mountain only became more fearsome after his death when he was brought back in a ghoulish form through dark experiments by Qyburn.

Game of Thrones Cast Then and Now

Jorah Mormont (Iain Glen)

Ah, Jorah, the sad boy exile who pined after Daenerys for eight straight seasons until his death. Though he began the series as a spy on behalf of Varys, he quickly swears loyalty to Dany and was instrumental in her gradual rise to power in the continent of Essos.

Game of Thrones Cast Then and Now

Bran Stark (Isaac Hempstead Wright)

Watching a young Bran Stark get pushed out of a window for accidentally seeing… you know… something he shouldn’t have, still ranks among one of the most shocking moments in TV history. And it was just the GoT pilot! Who could have predicted that this kid would eventually end up king of Westeros?

Game of Thrones Cast Then and Now

Grey Worm (Jacob Anderson)

Grey Worm is the captain of the formidable Unsullied Warriors, former slaves trained to be fearsome in combat who fight for Daenerys after she killed their masters in the city of Astapor. Grey Worm’s development from a brave soldier to a full-fledged commander is compelling, and the performance by Anderson imbues Grey Worm with a sense of quiet confidence.

Game of Thrones Cast Then and Now

Bronn (Jerome Flynn)

The sellsword Bronn is a favorite amongst many fans for his lackadaisical attitude and his allegiance to coin above all else. Even as he develops bonds with Tyrion and Jamie Lannister, he still ruthlessly threatens to off them both if they don’t make good on a promise to bequeath him the castle of Highgarden, which he’s eventually granted.

Game of Thrones Cast Then and Now

Gendry (Joe Dempsie)

Besides opting for a buzz-cut in later seasons, one of the many bastard children of former king Robert Baratheon, Gendry, becomes a formidable warrior and continues to hone his blacksmithing abilities throughout the series.

Game of Thrones Cast Then and Now

Samwell Tarly (John Bradley)

If you don’t love Samwell with your whole heart, we don’t know what to tell you. He may not have bravery or combat prowess, but he’s one of the only truly nice characters in this whole bleak world, and he makes himself useful with a good head on his shoulders to boot.

Game of Thrones Cast Then and Now

Jon Snow (Kit Harington)

Everyone’s favorite bastard, Jon Snow had an incredible development from when he’s first shipped off to the Night Watch and learns of the growing White Walker threat, to eventually having to assassinate his lover Daenerys Targaryen after she destroyed King’s Landing. Jon Snow was part of so many incredible battles and plot moments of the show, it’s impossible to list them all.

Game of Thrones Cast Then and Now

Cersei Lannister (Lena Headey)

We loved to hate Cersei for all eight seasons of GoT, and it was satisfying to see her lie, manipulate, and murder her way to becoming the first Queen Regent to sit upon the Iron Throne, even if it was eventually all undone by the destruction Daenerys wrought upon the city.

Game of Thrones Cast Then and Now

Davos Seaworth (Liam Cunningham)

Davos, a.k.a. the Onion Knight, is a former smuggler who finds himself embroiled in political affairs in King’s Landing, and eventually becomes an ally and advisor to Jon Snow. Davos is another rare pure-hearted character in this extensive ensemble.

Game of Thrones Cast Then and Now

Arya Stark (Maisie Williams)

It’s stunning now to think about how Maisie Williams began playing Arya Stark at the age of 12, literally growing up as her character does from 2011 to 2019. Arya’s storyline is basically one big revenge quest after another as she seeks comeuppance for the betrayal of many of her loved ones and mentors. We loved every second of her becoming a badass assassin.

game of thrones cast then and now

Missandei (Nathalie Emmanuel)

Missandei was a slave in Astapor who served as a translator and then became a trusted handmaiden to Daenerys after she was freed. Missandei is captured by Euron Greyjoy’s forces, and subsequently executed on Cersei’s orders in front of Daenerys, Tyrion, and Grey Worm, with whom she had formed a romantic relationship during their journey together.

Game of Thrones Cast Then and Now

Jaime Lannister (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau)

Cersei’s twin brother and incestuous lover, Jaime had a fascinating journey through the series as a brief Lord Commander of the Kingsguard-turned prisoner of Robb Stark. He helps secure victory against the army of White Walkers in the Battle of Winterfell, but decides to return to King’s Landing and eventually dies with Cersei in the destruction.

Game of Thrones Cast Then and Now

Tyrion Lannister (Peter Dinklage)

Tyrion was a massive fan favorite from way back in season one. He was the youngest and most outcast Lannister child, and had wits, charm, and even a couple of scars from the scraps he got involved in. He ends the series as Hand of the King to Bran Stark.

Game of Thrones Cast Then and Now

Beric Dondarrion (Richard Dormer)

In a series where main characters could get killed off without warning, this warrior had stronger plot armor and was able to be revived by clerics of the Lord of Light way more times than any other GoT character combined. Beric is eventually killed off for good by a group of wights during the Battle of Winterfell.

Game of Thrones Cast Then and Now

The Hound (Rory McCann)

This wine-guzzling, cussing knight became a loved character in no small part due to the great performance of Rory McCann, and the amazing chemistry between him and Arya when he was her reluctant protector. Sandor Clegane eventually met his end in King’s Landing after having one last battle with The Mountain, his brother who he always despised for disfiguring his face in a fire at a young age.

Game of Thrones Cast Then and Now

Sansa Stark (Sophie Turner)

Sansa is left to fend for herself in the unfamiliar political world of King’s Landing after her father Ned Stark is executed at the end of season one. She quickly develops cunning of her own, escaping King’s Landing to return to Winterfell, where she declares the North an independent kingdom and herself its Queen.

Game of Thrones Cast Then and Now

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