The Secret to Wrapping Oddly-Shaped Gifts? Stuff Them Inside This Adorable Hot Dog DIY

The Secret to Wrapping Oddly-Shaped Gifts? Stuff Them Inside This Adorable Hot Dog DIY

The Secret to Wrapping Oddly-Shaped Gifts? Stuff Them Inside This Adorable Hot Dog DIY

Everyone always wonders how to wrap that one annoying, oddly-shaped gift — but expert gift-wrapper Alton DuLaney has a solution, no special boxes needed! In fact, you probably have everything you need already laying around the house.

1. Recycle the roll that comes out of the gift wrap and cut slots about every half inch around each end of the roll.

2. Stuff your gifts inside the roll and tuck the flaps down.

3. Secure the ends with tape to seal the tube. Use butcher paper to roll around the tube, securing the ends with tape, and then twist the excess paper.

Alton's also made a "bun" out of two tie boxes, covered in brown paper, an easy way to package three gifts in one.

Top off your ballpark treat with condiments — cut colorful construction paper in squiggly lines to mimic ketchup and mustard!