Sebastian Stan Shared a Fan's Harsh Criticism of How Marvel Treated Captain America and Bucky

From Men's Health

Avengers star Sebastian Stan has caused quite a stir on social media without really doing much at all.

On Thursday (January 30), the Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier actor took to Instagram to share one fan's criticism of the way Marvel handled Steve Rogers aka Captain America and Bucky's friendship.

After Marvel's official Twitter account shared an image of a young Steve and Bucky, the fan had replied: "Together until the end of the line. Or until bad, inconsistent, out-of-character writing turns Steve Rogers into his own anti-thesis. Shouldn't it be 'together until the end of the lie' now?"

It's anyone's guess what the fan is specifically referring to here. Perhaps the idea that Steve left Bucky to live out his life with his true love Peggy Carter? Although it's hard to imagine Bucky would have held that against him.

Regardless, all Sebastian had to do to cause widespread chaos was share an image of this fan's criticism and whack a shocked emoji on it:

While it's a bit strange for him to bother sharing such a criticism in the first place, his choice of emoji hardly suggests he agrees with the fan.

So everyone should probably chill out a bit.

Avengers: Endgame is out now on DVD, Blu-ray, 3D, 4K and digital download.

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