Seasonal Affective Disorder Can Feel Debilitating—But There Are Ways to Cope

Seasonal Affective Disorder Can Feel Debilitating—But There Are Ways to Cope

You can always tell when the colder months are on the horizon. The leaves start changing colors and soon enough, freezing temperatures mean we’re spending more time indoors, which can be isolating. The sun is in hibernation mode too, so 5 p.m. feels more like midnight—further encouraging us to slip into our pajamas early and Netflix through the winter blues. But for some, it’s more than just the blues—many people experience Season Affective Disorder (SAD).

If you’re feeling unusually lethargic, isolating yourself from friends, or having difficulty concentrating from day to day, you may actually be dealing with the condition, a form of seasonal depression.

For the record, SAD is much more serious than just longing for sunnier days. People who experience it “feel depressed and have low mood states similar to someone who presents with a diagnosis of depression,” says Mayra Mendez, Ph.D., L.M.F.T., a licensed psychotherapist at Providence Saint John’s Child and Family Development Center in Santa Monica, CA.

Here’s how to tell if your winter blues equate to seasonal affective disorder—and what you can do to cope.

What is seasonal affective disorder, exactly?

SAD usually starts in late fall or early winter, and eventually fades away by the spring and summer. (While people can experience seasonal affective disorder in the summer, it’s much less common than having it in the winter, the National Institute of Mental Health, or NIMH, says.)

“Research indicates that seasonal affective low mood may be informed by some people’s response to a decrease in daylight hours,” says Mendez. The exact reason why this happens is unclear, but there have been a few biological clues in people who have SAD.

Among them: During the winter months, people with SAD may have lower levels of serotonin in their nerve cells, a feel-good hormone that plays a large role in your mood, per the NIMH. Bright light stimulates your brain, and given that there are fewer daylight hours in the colder months, many people are not getting enough light to feel the positive stimulating effect anymore, says Hanne Hoffmann, P.h.D., Assistant Professor at Michigan State University. Some people could also overproduce the hormone melatonin in the winter, which leaves them feeling sleepier and more lethargic. Finally, a lack of vitamin D may also be to blame, which research has linked to symptoms of depression.

In general, young adults are more prone to developing SAD and women are diagnosed four times more often than men, Mendez says. A family history of seasonal affective disorder or a personal history of mental health conditions like bipolar disorder or depression can also raise your risk, she says.

It’s important to note that seasonal affective disorder, like most mental illnesses, doesn’t look the same for every person who experiences it. “Most people think of [SAD] as depression but it could also be a seasonal pattern of manic episodes as well,” says Susan Whitbourne, P.h.D., professor emerita of psychological and brain sciences at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.

What are the symptoms of seasonal affective disorder?

SAD actually isn’t considered a separate disorder from major depressive disorder—it’s simply a form of depression that’s seasonal. To be diagnosed with SAD, you need to meet the criteria for major depression that’s seasonal for at least two years, the NIMH says. So a passing gloomy mood on gloomy days doesn’t exactly qualify.

“If you’re experiencing depression (as opposed to mania), the symptoms include having a severe depressive episode where you are feeling depressive symptoms for all or most of the day for at least a two-week period,” says Whitbourne. Therefore, the symptoms have to be quantifiable in order to diagnose the disorder.

According to the NIMH, these are the main symptoms of major depression:

  • Feeling depressed most of the day, nearly every day

  • Feeling hopeless or worthless or guilty

  • Having low energy

  • Losing interest in activities you once enjoyed

  • Having trouble sleeping

  • Experiencing changes in your appetite or weight

  • Feeling sluggish or agitated

  • Having difficulty concentrating

  • Having frequent thoughts of death or suicide

But during the winter, the NIMH emphasizes the following SAD symptoms:

You constantly feel tired

People with SAD can feel tired for “most of the day,” Mendez says, even after they get a full night’s sleep.

You overeat and crave carbs

Some people with SAD may be more likely to eat as a way to try to make themselves feel better, Mendez says. The foods you gravitate toward may change too. Research has found a link between eating a lot of unrefined carbs (pasta, pizza, chips) and depression. The reason why isn’t entirely clear, but one theory is that eating carbohydrates raises levels of serotonin in the body, which is why you temporarily feel a bit better after going in on that plate of cookies.

You feel the urge to hibernate

People with SAD have a “tendency to isolate and avoid social contacts,” Mendez says. Of course, plenty of people prefer to stay indoors in the winter, given that it’s usually cozier than being out in the cold. But people with SAD may avoid socializing and do their best to steer clear of being around other people altogether.

You gain weight

Feeling too tired to keep up with a regular routine, overeating comforting foods, and staying indoors often can all lead to weight gain.

What should you do if you suspect that you have SAD?

If you notice your mood take a harsh dip in the winter, there are a few trademark seasonal affective disorder treatments few things you can try outdo to lift your spirits and encourage a regular routine, including the following:

Talk to a therapist or mental health professional.

If you’re experiencing symptoms for two weeks or longer, Mendez says it’s time to see a mental health professional. They may recommend psychotherapy (so you can talk through your emotions and establish healthy coping mechanisms) or medications like selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) to help boost your hormone levels. Talking to your doctor can help you get a proper diagnosis and figure out the right treatment plan for you from there.

Consider light therapy.

Light therapy exposes people to bright, artificial light to help replace the lack of sunshine they get in the winter, the NIMH explains. People with SAD are often encouraged to sit in front of a light therapy lamp for 20 to 60 minutes first thing in the morning, every day, from early fall until spring. (These light boxes filter out ultraviolet rays and provide light that’s about 20 times greater than typical indoor lighting.)

Be sure to use your light therapy lamp in the morning as opposed to before bed, which could interfere with your sleep, advises Hoffmann. Hoffmann also suggests patience: “If you are already experiencing SAD symptoms, it will take at least five to seven days before you see a difference from your lamp, and if you start feeling better, don’t stop using it!”

Trying to get outdoors to take advantage of some natural light doesn’t hurt either. Have 20 minutes after lunch? Go for a sunny stroll before heading back to the office.

Get your vitamin D levels checked.

It’s called the sunshine vitamin for a reason! Your doctor can check your vitamin D levels with a blood test and may recommend supplementation to help, especially because it’s hard to up your numbers through food alone. In general, supplementing with vitamin D is considered a complementary therapy for SAD, the NIMH says, meaning it should be used alongside other treatments.

Keep up with an exercise routine.

It can be tough to exercise when the weather is crummy, but research has shown that breaking a sweat regularly can help regulate mood. It won’t necessarily be the only treatment people will need for SAD, Mendez says, but it can help.

Call the Mental Health Hotline

If you are having suicidal thoughts, call the new mental health hotline by calling 988. The Suicide and Crisis Lifeline is available 24/7 and if you need mental health support, it’s good to know that three simple digits will connect you to help ASAP.

If you or someone you know needs help, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or text TALK to 741741 to message with a trained crisis counselor from the Crisis Text Line for free.

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