Scott Pilgrim Takes Off: Review Roundup

Scott Pilgrim Takes Off has landed on Netflix with a bang.

The anime series based on Bryan Lee O’Malley’s graphic novels is a reimagining of the cult hit 2010 live-action movie. But does it live up to its classic source material?



While it’s too early for a Rotten Tomatoes score, critics are in near unanimous praise, calling it “operatic,” “disarmingly romantic,” and “sparkling.”

Even if this is your first brush with the world of Scott Pilgrim, Netflix’s new series is definitely worth watching. Here’s a roundup of the reviews.


The Guardian: “Some of the sound effects may be lifted from retro video games but the emotions are operatic, evoking that time of life when falling in love is at its most precarious and intense. It’s quite the rush.”

Empire: “Insane fights, sparkling animation and a fresh look at an old story — Scott Pilgrim was born to be an anime hero. What a level-up.”

Vulture:Scott Pilgrim is fundamentally an artifact of love. Of the pop culture and places that shaped its creators, from video games to manga to movies to Toronto to the indie music that gives its titular hero his name.”

Related: Scott Pilgrim Credits Sequence Unveiled By Netflix

IGN: “Even with the core cast of Scott Pilgrim vs. the World along for the ride, it’s no mere exercise in nostalgia, but a fresh coat of paint on a versatile coming-of-age story.”

The AV Club: “[Scott Pilgrim] is full of laughs, brightly sketched gags, and great character work to make things go down easier. And that payoff, disarmingly romantic and emotionally intelligent, still hits like a truck.”

It seems like the Scott Pilgrim cast returning for an Netflix anime series was a good move.