Your Scorpio Season 2023 Sex and Dating Horoscope Is Here

Scorpio Season Love Horoscope

Welcome to Scorpio season, a time of the year when passion, lust, mystery, and obsession take center stage. What better time to kick up the heat in your love life than the season of intensity and desire? During Scorpio season, several transits help us align with destined partners and romantic awakenings. Scorpio season takes place from October 23, 2023, to November 22, 2023, and gives us weeks filled with the opportunity to connect with the darkest and deepest parts of your heart so that you can better understand what (and who) you desire. On October 28, 2023, a full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus is closing out a major cycle. This potent opportunity to release ourselves from old habits, tired patterns, and the grip of our comfort zone will help catapult us into exciting dating experiences.

As November arrives, so does the end of Saturn retrograde as the planet of karma and discipline stations direct in dreamy Pisces. You may feel more fluid and trusting in finding love during this time. A few days later, Venus, the planet of love, sex, beauty, and romance, enters hopeless romantic Libra, allowing us to find a sense of ease within our connections. Scorpio season starts to wrap up as Mercury, the planet of communication and networking, enters Sagittarius on November 10, 2023. Finally, the new moon in Scorpio is arriving on November 13, 2023. Our love lives aren't meant to be scary or confusing, but using this month to accept that we are all on different paths and moving at different speeds will be a saving grace during Scorpio season's depth. Scorpio season closes when the sun enters Sagittarius on November 22, 2023, allowing us to close this chapter for good.

Keep reading to see what you can expect in your love life during Scorpio season. Read for both your sun and rising sign for the most accurate message.

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Things feel crazy right now, but you can still have fun. This month will be a great time to connect with people who are different from your typical “type” but are wildly compatible with you! When Mercury, the planet of communication, enters fellow fire sign Sagittarius on November 10, 2023, you will have the chance to change the pattern of your love life and start anew. Scorpio season will bring you closer to the right people if you’ve struggled to go deep with the people you’ve met recently. Letting go of thinking there’s a timeline or path you need to follow in love will be wildly liberating. The moment you let go of trying to control how true love looks or arrives for you, the quicker and more fulfilling it will be.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Scorpio season starts with a full moon lunar eclipse in your sign on October 28, 2023, and lights up your first house of confidence and self-expression. You will feel self-assured and excited to connect with others as you understand yourself more deeply. It may feel unrelated, but if you are able to foster a meaningful relationship with yourself, doing this with someone else will feel second nature to you. You will also notice that the romantic connection(s) that you are making will feel higher quality and more aligned with your core values during Scorpio season than ever before! Enjoy this easy, breezy chapter in your love life, Taurus!

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Gemini (May 21-June 20)

What a romantic and whimsical season for you to enjoy, Gemini. During Scorpio season, you will start to see that your love life takes center stage in a new and natural way. Instead of trying to “finagle” a relationship, why not allow one to start and grow? When your ruling planet, Mercury, the planet of communication, lands in your seventh house on November 10, 2023, you will see that the right people are approaching and wooing you, leaving very little for you to do other than sit back, relax, and receive. Let yourself be doted on, and notice how much better this feels than trying to control the experience of finding true love. If you are looking for something more casual, this will be a month where you see how many options are yours for the taking - how fun!

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Your love life is taking a turn for the better during Scorpio season! When Venus, the planet of love and desire, enters Libra on November 8, 2023, and lights up your fourth house of home and family, you might get more comfortable with a romantic connection and ultimately feel safe and secure in your choice. You are riding a high right now, and Scorpio season will only be more of the same for you. You no longer have to worry about the other shoe dropping. This is a perfect time for you to be vulnerable and unfold with the right person. If you haven’t met them yet, look out for connections that start off as friends and develop naturally into something more during Scorpio season.

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Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Buckle up for a wild ride, Leo! When the full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus arrives on October 28, 2023, and lights up your tenth house of career and reputation, you might start to see your strengths and weaknesses reflected back to you by the people you are attracted to. Instead of thinking that there’s something faulty with you, why not recalibrate the way you approach dating instead? Sometimes, who we are is very different from how we show up, and Scorpio season is asking you to reconsider some of your dating tactics that are no longer aligned with what you want or who you’re calling in. I promise you will appreciate this shift in your dating habits in the long run.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

What a powerful time for you to see yourself for your worth and value. You are currently working on setting up an abundant future for yourself or thinking about where you want to end up five to ten years from now, but if you completely avoid the present moment, you might miss out on the opportunity to get there with ease. The right person to accompany you on this journey might be right under your nose. Instead of judging someone by where they are now, ask if you two are headed towards the same destination. If the answer is yes, this will be a powerful connection where the two of you can help each other grow and get there together.

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Libra (Sept. 23-Oct 22)

You are stepping into a newfound sense of confidence and excitement surrounding your love life than you have been in recently. If you’ve convinced yourself that love is simply not in the cards for you, Scorpio season will be the time that this fear resolves itself through positive experiences in dating. Give yourself the chance to be pleasantly surprised, especially on November 8, 2023, when Venus, your ruling planet and the planet of love and romance, enters Libra and lights up your first house of confidence and identity. You will notice that when you are around open-minded people, more of your authenticity shines through. Sometimes, you need a safe surrounding to be yourself truly.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

There is more to celebrate this season than a birthday, Scorpio! When the new moon in Scorpio arrives on November 13, 2023, you will start to see that the trajectory of your love life may have been held back in your favor. If you had ended up with anyone from your past, you would have eventually been disappointed - more so than you might feel now. Instead, you have had an almost ethereal guidance surrounding you and preparing you for the right person. Give yourself a chance to enjoy the process of dating over the next few weeks, you may find that the moment you’re ready to give up is the same moment that love walks through the door for you.

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Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

With such a powerful shift of Mercury (the planet of communication and connection) entering your sign on November 10, 2023, it seems like all eyes (and hearts) are on you now, Sagittarius. Give yourself an opportunity to be seen and experienced by those around you. The more boisterous, confident, and bright you are this season, the better! You will be given a chance to meet someone who matches your energy, and I see sparks flying before your birthday season arrives. You might just be stumbling upon that special someone who enjoys freedom and integrity as much as you do! Be sure to be upfront about what you want and what your limitations are.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Given that you are entering the end of the year, it might feel like you’ve lost all hope in a “happily ever after” for 2023. However, with Venus (the planet of love and desire) entering Libra on November 8, 2023, you will find that connecting with your friends and community will help you tremendously in expediting your love life. Going out with friends, spending time in communal activities, and putting yourself out there socially is going to be the key to upgrading your love life this month, Cap. Don’t give up just yet! It’s time to think positively and put your favorite outfit on for a night out! You never know whose number you might go home within your contacts.

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Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

With a powerful full moon Lunar Eclipse happening in fellow fixed sign, Taurus, on October 28, 2023, this season is about to bring you unexpected revelations about your love life. Instead of dreading the idea of meeting new people, why not change your perspective and start to open your heart to the best possible outcome? It seems like all of the things you want out of a relationship are showing up as a true possibility for you in Scorpio season. Do not settle for anything less than what you desire. If you find yourself involved with a string of dates with the same person, allow yourself to feel the information you’re receiving. It’s okay to enjoy the first few dates and decide whether or not it’s a good match a few dates later.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

This month will bring you a chance to reignite your idea of yourself in the dating scene and start to make a name for yourself (in the best way). When Saturn ends its retrograde and stations direct in your sign on November 4, 2023, you will feel like a weight has been lifted and that your perception of life becomes more romantic and whimsical. Your love life will benefit heavily from this transit as you start to lean into who you are at your core. Be honest about your likes and dislikes, try to find someone with shared values, and be willing to walk away from people who require you to save them or submit to them. Be you through and through this season, and your love life is in store for a huge blessing!

UP NEXT: Your Scorpio Season 2023 Career and Money Horoscope Is Here.