Your Scorpio Monthly Horoscope for September

From Cosmopolitan

Add these dates to your GCal:

  • September 2: Full Moon in Pisces

  • September 9: Mars Retrograde

  • September 17: New Moon in Virgo

  • September 22: Sun enters Libra

While everyone has been on vacation, trying to take advantage of the warm weather in any way they can, you’ve been focusing on your hustle. In classic Scorpio fashion, when everyone else is enjoying “downtime,” you're ramping up for world domination—you know, NBD. And, although things have been moving a wee bit slower than you anticipated, you’re almost ready to launch into a kickass autumn. You’re feeling fired up, and the Full Moon on September 2 will be sure to take your ambitions to the next level. At the beginning of the month, the Moon’s motion in Pisces (a like-minded water sign) delivers a “eureka moment,” and now, you’ve captured lightning in a bottle. During this lunation, don’t be surprised if you finally receive the “go-ahead” on an exciting (potentially life-changing) project. Or, if your focus has been on matters of the heart, you may receive “yes” on a new romantic bond. Simply put, Scorpio, this Full Moon means magic, so don’t be afraid to dance beneath the moonlight. These positive, auspicious vibes are yours to enjoy!

Before Pluto was discovered in 1930, your planetary ruler was Mars, the red planet associated with action, determination, and motion. So you have a very close connection to this celestial body…which means you’ll be hyper-aware when Mars goes retrograde on September 9. In fact, don’t be surprised if something important happens on that very day (yes, sometimes the cosmos can be very precise). Through November 13, Mars's about-face activates the area of your chart associated with daily schedules and physical wellness. Mars' backwards glide will inspire you examine your habits. Are you really taking care of yourself, Scorpio? If it’s been hard for you to maintain good routines during quarantine, don’t judge yourself…simply observe. This has been an impossibly challenging time. Over the next few weeks, consider ways you can infuse your calendar with some well-deserved, compassionate self-care. It won’t happen overnight, but hey! Rome wasn’t built in a day, either!

On September 17, a New Moon in Virgo blankets the sky, inviting you to step outside your comfort zone. This is an excellent time to put yourself in the position to make new friends who share your current interests—yes, you may need to seek these out virtually (after all, it is 2020), but trust that your willingness to expand your horizon will have positive impacts on virtually every aspect of your life. This isn’t just about making new connections—this is about building a reality that honestly reflects your values. When you prioritize authenticity, the possibilities are truly limitless!

Finally, the month concludes with the Sun’s motion into Libra on September 22, launching a new astrological season. Libra energy activates the areas of your chart associated with your innate psychic powers, so don’t be surprised if lots of information is revealed through your subconscious—especially your dreams. Likewise, this is a great time to get some extra rest. When in doubt, don’t be afraid to drink some sleepy tea, crawl into your coziest pajamas, and hit the hay before 10PM. After all, you’re going to need to preserve your energy for an astrological event right around the corner: Your birthday season!

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