Your Scorpio Monthly Horoscope for March

Your Scorpio Monthly Horoscope for March

Add These Dates to Your GCal:

  • March 2: New Moon in Pisces

  • March 5: Venus and Mars enter Aquarius

  • March 18: Full Moon in Virgo

  • March 20: Sun enters Aries / Spring Equinox

  • March 31: New Moon in Aries

Say hello to March, you mysterious Scorpio! You get a bad rap for being brooding, but Pisces season actually has you in a playful mood. And your otherworldly access to other realms and psychic insight is only heightened when you invite more play into your life. You’re set to receive a creative boost on March 2 with the New Moon in Pisces. This is a life-changing lunation that arrives with a dash of luck thanks to Jupiter, which is also in Pisces. Plant the seeds to write that book, create that piece of art, or tap into the fun you’ve been missing from your life.

The energy thickens on March 3 when Venus, Mars, and Pluto all meet in Capricorn. Think back to what happened during Venus Retrograde in December and January: What conversations and themes have been coming up for you since then? This is an intense time for communication, but it’s likely the final piece of this recent puzzle will be revealed. It could involve a topic that others want to veer away from, but bringing it out into the open will bring about healing. You’re brave, Scorpio, and you’ve got this. On March 6, Venus and Mars shift their intentions and light up the home and family sector of your chart. This creates a fresh cycle around where you’re living, who you’re living with, and your family. If you’ve been thinking about moving in with someone, this is a cosmically aligned time. You also may be hit with the inspiration to redecorate your space.

Your intuition may be overwhelming or way off on March 13 as the Sun and Neptune meet for their annual hang-out. This is over-the-top spiritual energy, but it can also deliver a dash of red flags. Be mindful of people’s patterns and actions, and remember that words are not enough evidence at this time. This is also a portal for creative sparks. You can channel the energy efficiently if you tap into your inner artist. The Full Moon in Virgo on March 18 brings the focus on your friendships and communities. Setting boundaries within friendships can be awkward, but if they aren’t reciprocal, now is the time to recalibrate.

The Sun enters Aries on March 20 and shifts your focus to work. You can be a bit of a control freak and it’s no wonder you’re so good at your job, but just make sure you’re maintaining a healthy work-life balance. On March 22, Mars, your planetary ruler, has a tense conversation with Uranus in Taurus. Issues between partners and your family can come bubbling to the surface. If there is familial tension, it would be best to take some time alone to process before responding. You may be thinking about harmful patterns or coping strategies you’ve picked up from your family. Be gentle with yourself and others today.

On March 27, Mercury, the planet of communication, enters Aries and you can’t stop thinking about work. Your schedule is filling up and you’re hoping from one appointment to the next. This is a busy time for you. It would be a good practice to build in time slots for rest and solitude. You’re in demand! The month ends on March 31 with a New Moon in Aries, which invites you to reset your schedule and daily routines. What’s working and what’s exhausting you? You don’t live to work, so make sure you’re still making enough time to enjoy all your life has to offer. Work can wait sometimes!

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