How to Score Free Guacamole at Chipotle This Saturday

Much like the rest of you, I've been awaiting National Avocado Day, July 31, all year long.

Second to Christmas, it is my favorite holiday because, like Christmas, it's all about love and caring and family. But what's even better about National Avocado Day is that it is also filled with PR stunts.

(Most people don't know this, but the quote "Every time a bell rings, an angel gets his wings" was originally attributed to a PR person taking about guacamole and was later stolen by It's a Wonderful Life.)

Photo credit: Men's Health
Photo credit: Men's Health

And one such stunt event this National Avocado Day is that Chipotle is ringing the bell for free guacamole.

It's a gracious and giving act, for sure, especially given that Chipotle charges the steep price of $1.95 for a side of guacamole, still, despite all the memes, all the Twittering, and all grumbling.

But that's what's so special about National Avocado Day—even the guacamole misers at Chipotle open up their hearts and share.

So how does one procure free guacamole at Chipotle for National Avocado Day?

Actually, it's not that easy.

Like, Chipotle isn't just going to have its employees standing outside their stores with vats of freshly mashed guac and armed with ladles so that they can scoop the stuff directly into your stainless-steel water bottle or, better yet, directly into your mouth.

No, Chipotle is going to make you work for it—a little bit, at least.

How to Procure Free Guacamole at Chipotle for National Avocado Day

1. This offer applies to digital purchases. So you have to go online ( or through their app and place an order.

2. You have to buy an entree. So you can't just order a Grapefruit Izze and score that guacamole. You gotta pay.

3. You have to use the code AVO2021 at checkout. You can remember that. (Right?)

4. You can only do this once.

If all this sounds like so much fun to you and totally worth $1.95, then go for it!

Guacamole is powerful source of heart healthy fats, gut-filling fiber, and pure deliciousness.

Zuzu Bailey said that.

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