SCN Stocking Stuffer: Atomos Zato Connect

 SCN Stocking Stuffers Festive Graphic.
SCN Stocking Stuffers Festive Graphic.

A recent firmware upgrade to Atomos Zato Connect, an entry-level, 5-inch monitor-recorder we’ve seen as low as $299, makes it easy to bring Camera to Cloud (C2C) functionality to any HDMI camera or webcam. Basically, Zato Connect mounts to your ENG-style camera (do not try to mount it to your webcam…I beseech you) and you record footage to an SD card. Now, you can automatically upload H.264 files from that card directly to via C2C. That means editing can begin immediately—no waiting for physical media or copying files. It’s an ideal workflow solution for social media content for houses of worship, schools, and small businesses.

SCN Stocking Stuffers is a seasonal series highlighting affordable tools for professionals on your “nice” list. Stay caught up on the whole series below: