Scientists Working on Using AI to Communicate and Interact With Animals

This would change everything.

The possibilities with technology are truly endless. Just when we thought we’ve advanced as much as possible, a new robot or electric vehicle or artificial intelligence (AI) chat box pops up. But out of all the upcoming technological advancements, we’re most excited about this one TikTok user @projectpetuk explained.

Believe it or not, AI might make it possible for people to talk to their pets. What?! Well, that’s the hope as scientists try to use advancements in AI to assist in decoding animal languages. Just imagine all the incredible possibilities this would bring. Check out the rest of the video to learn more!

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O.M.G. Don’t get our hopes up like that! We don’t know how this is even possible, but if they say it can happen, we’re here for it! Apparently, AI would help interpret the signals the animals use to communicate. In a report from The News International, the CEO and Co-found of Earth Species Project Katie Zacarian said scientists are quickly approaching a time when they can readily interact with other species. That's incredible!

“Then I can tell the chickens that live next door to shut up,” commented @devonpaving. HA! Honestly, we’d do the same exact thing. Well, maybe we wouldn’t say it like that but instead, ask politely if they could keep their boking down until at least noon. LOL!

Another TikTok user, @sammythepetwhisperer, wrote, “I feel like I can already read the dog well enough to understand what they are saying.” That’s true! Most pet owners are very in tune with what their pets are communicating to them. But we could learn so much more with more animals than just our cats and dogs. For that reason alone we’re all for it and can’t wait to see what comes of this!

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