Scientists are studying how Artificial Intelligence will impact life– hopefully not because the robots will take over

Scientists are studying how Artificial Intelligence will impact life– hopefully not because the robots will take over

Scientists are studying how Artificial Intelligence will impact life– hopefully not because the robots will take over
Scientists are studying how Artificial Intelligence will impact life– hopefully not because the robots will take over

It’s the theme of many works of science fiction: man creates artificial intelligence, then that AI turns on man. In these scenarios, humankind is usually at risk of being totally wiped out by some variety of robot-computer. Even the likes of Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk have warned about the potential for artificial intelligence to be extremely dangerous.


However, scientists at Stanford University say we don’t have to worry about AI programs utterly destroying all of humanity.

According to Tech Times, these scientists are part of the One Hundred Year Study on Artificial Intelligence (AI100), which aims to predict the long-term effects of artificial intelligence on human life. They’ve released the first report of the study, “Artificial Intelligence and Life in 2030,” a mere two years after beginning their work.

The report focuses on both the history and future of AI.

It studies how the technological history influences what’s being done today with things like self-driving transportation and the use of robots in the medical field.

As for the AI of dystopian sci-fi nightmares, it’s unlikely.

For a so-called machine revolution to happen, machines would have to be developed that could sustain long-term goals AND intent on their own. According the report no such machine has been developed, and there aren’t any plans to create one, either.


In fact, on of the main purposes of AI100 is to make people understand that rogue AI isn’t the risk; rather, the real unintended dangers could be in displacing human labor and loss of individual privacy.

The researchers point out that if we look at AI with “fear and suspicion” it could slow development, or drive it underground– which would make regulation impossible.

The study is just as important for policymakers as for researchers so that those who may need to create laws to address technological advancements have the information AI100 has begun to gather and will continue to provide. This way, a balance can be struck between allowing for innovation and ensuring that the impact of a new technology won’t be overwhelmingly negative.

Either way, though, we don’t have to fear AI taking over the world. At least, not yet.

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