Science says climate change is affecting coffee bean growth and we are getting nervous

Science says climate change is affecting coffee bean growth and we are getting nervous

Science says climate change is affecting coffee bean growth and we are getting nervous
Science says climate change is affecting coffee bean growth and we are getting nervous

Brace yourself coffee lovers for some difficult news: According to a new study, coffee production across the globe is being threatened by global warming. Couple the diminishing supply of coffee with our rising demand for it, and you have a formula for some big problems in the near future.

Scientists at the Climate Institute recently published a report that shows coffee beans are having a difficult time surviving in our planet’s increasingly warmer temperatures.

coffee again
coffee again

They go into detail about the major issues that are facing coffee bean production, making a clear case that we’re going to soon have some serious problems getting a convenient cup of joe unless changes are made. And while it’d be inconvenient for developed nations to be without their daily coffee ritual, it’d be downright devastating to a lot of countries that depend on coffee beans as their major export.

The report states that if carbon dioxide emissions aren’t severely reduced in the near future, we could literally cut our coffee production in half by 2050. They even go as far as to say it could be ~extinct~ by 2080.


While the scientists do point out that there are a few ways to get around the mounting challenges that are facing coffee bean growers, they make the point that many farmers don’t have access to the necessary resources that would make coffee bean production viable. So they’ll likely have to stop production of the bean altogether.

For those that do attempt to continue coffee bean production despite their limited resources and increasing climate pressures, they’ll face major issues with diseases and pests since the warmer weather makes it easier for them to destroy the plants that do grow.

make it work
make it work

To make matters even worse, since coffee bean production needs to move to cooler climates, these scientists believe that will encourage farmers to move into (and destroy) more forests.

Which would be, is short, so not cool.

not cool
not cool

So if you needed another good reason to get serious about climate change, hopefully this is it.

The post Science says climate change is affecting coffee bean growth and we are getting nervous appeared first on HelloGiggles.