Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark review: too much story, not enough scares

Natalie Ganzhorn in Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark - CBS Films
Natalie Ganzhorn in Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark - CBS Films

Dir: André Øvredal. Cast: Zoe Colletti, Michael Garza, Austin Zajur, Gabriel Rush, Dean Norris, Gil Bellows. 15 cert, 107 mins

Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark is a pick ’n mix of nightmarish tales plucked from a series of short stories by the American writer Alvin Schwartz, which were first published under that title in 1981. Though intended for children, supposedly in the 8-12 bracket, they became rather notorious because of the illustrations by Stephen Gammell – legitimately skin-crawling, wispy drawings with a ghoulish suggestiveness and sick grandeur. A red spot, on the face of an unfortunate girl named Ruth, explodes open into a black, spider-infested crater, for instance.

The prim Victorian-Gothic horrors of Edward Gorey had nothing on these. Come a new 2011 edition, parental complaints had reached such a peak that the books were re-illustrated more blandly by someone else.

Guillermo del Toro has been inspired – as much by Gammell’s creepy artwork, from the looks of things, as Schwartz’s text – to produce and co-write this adaptation, which strings together a few of the most infamous yarns with a linking story about suburban teens exploring a local legend. The idea isn’t far off George A. Romero’s fantastic Creepshow (1982), or one of the Amicus-produced anthology horrors from the 1970s. In fact, if the film had fully embraced its episodic quality, it might have paid off in exactly that way.

Norwegian director André Øvedal (Troll Hunter, The Autopsy of Jane Doe) certainly has form with the uncanny, and del Toro’s kind of knack for showcasing effects coups that are hard to imagine in the pre-CGI age: a ghoul reassembling itself from tumbled body parts, say, or a scarecrow with no midriff coming to life.

The set pieces score nicely, at least when they’re paying attention: a tale called “The Big Toe”, involving a polluted stew which suddenly materialises in someone’s fridge, is undeniably gross, but awkward and implausibly handled, with not enough set-up to make it work.

The film dawdles a little too much with its overarching story, tempted into this by the Stranger-Things-ification afflicting seemingly all teen-targeted horror these days. In fact, the friendship between three main characters – budding genre writer Stella (Zoe Colletti), Augie (Gabriel Rush) and Chuck (Austin Zajur) – is cast and styled with such blatant sideways looks at the Netflix series it feels naggingly synthetic.

Ruth, she of the spider-bite gone wrong, is randomly assigned to be Chuck’s vanity-obsessed sister. Try as they might to set the film over Halloween in 1968 Pennsylvania, with Nixon’s inauguration looming on TV, half the audience will still assume we’re in the 1980s.

The promising Colletti, who has a touch of Thora Birch, strikes up an appealing puppy-love rapport with Ramón (Michael Garza), a dreamy draft-dodger passing through town. But the thrown-together finale in a haunted mansion is a bit of a mess, feebly cross-cutting between this pair. It’s left to the design team, once again, to come to the rescue, laying on spectral flourishes in the cobwebby dungeon where an old-timey family once locked up their hapless daughter.

Most effective of all the visitations – and the one lifted reverentially from one of Gammell’s weirdest drawings – is a pale-faced lady, shuffling along like one of the bloated demons from Hellraiser, who lurks in the corridors of an old lunatic asylum and pops up everywhere you turn. Chillingly achieved with body suits, not computer effects, she’ll be the dominant talking point for the older-teen demographic here – except for extreme arachnophobes or those terrified of a boil breaking out. Scary Stories hits with the scares as much as it misses with the storytelling, levelling out to a glass half full.

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