Savannah Cat's Massive Size Blows People Away in Viral Video

Any cat lover would know that Savannah cats are big—but until compared to a normal sized person, you don’t really realize just how massive these beautiful and rare cats truly are. That’s one shocking realization the internet is having over a recent TikTok posted by a Savannah cat owner. She’s holding him up in her arms and it looks like he barely fits there!

That massive cat is sure to be able to do some damage on a scratching post with those giant paws. And he must need an extra large litter box—unless he goes outside to the bathroom like a dog.

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These beautiful cats resemble miniature leopards in reality. They probably could be the size of a leopard cub, too! Having one of these cats must be a real adventure, though. Keeping a Savannah cat occupied and out of trouble is probably a true feat.

Due to their sheer size, these kitties require a lot more exercise than a regular cat. With a cat that size, you could bring him out on a leash for a walk outside which would surely bring attention from the neighbors.

With a cat as large as a small dog, there are sure to be some amazing cuddles that come out of that cat. He’s so fluffy, too—making him the perfect snuggle buddy.

While this cat is surely large, we wonder whether he is larger than a Maine Coon cat. Those cats also grow to be pretty huge (and fluffy). We can only imagine seeing one of each play together. They would be like a wrecking crew inside of a house playing together!

This Savannah cat is surely sweet-hearted and looks right at home in his mom’s arms. But there’s no telling how long she’s going to be able to hold him up given his size.

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