This Sauna Blanket Is Blowing Up On Instagram—And Even Our Editors Love It

Photo credit: Christine Giordano
Photo credit: Christine Giordano

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What’s got everyone breaking a sweat these days? Nope, not some novel exercise equipment (though there’s plenty of that available too!). Instead, we’re talking sauna blankets. They use infrared rays to warm your body while you’re zipped up in a blanket, rather than sitting in a booth, as you would be in a traditional sauna.

Much of the hype stems from the research-backed health benefits of dry-sauna bathing on heart health, chronic pain, and various other conditions. The heat from sauna treatments can promote blood flow and lower blood pressure, as well as ramp up your heart rate, research shows. But can these blankets produce other changes too? Up next, where the science (it’s still limited, FYI!) stands on the selling points.

Do sauna blankets help with weight loss?

When you sweat in one of these blankets, you’ll really only lose water weight. That means the pounds come back once you re-hydrate. While technology that uses heat to penetrate the skin and burn fat does exist (think: laser lipolysis, where heat from a laser helps remove fat deposits), Laith Jazwari, MD, an orthopedic surgeon specializing in sports medicine at NYU Langone, doubts sauna blanket temps get that high.

The infrared waves also fire up only the superficial skin and won’t actually reach the fat cells underneath. Got it!

What about post-workout recovery?

Hotness from a sauna blanket can help relieve muscle soreness—although Dr. Jazwari points out that cold therapy for relief tends to work better. Applying ice post-exercise was superior to heat for reducing pain, a study in the Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research showed. But the authors also found that using hot or cold was better for recovery than nothing at all.

Partial to heat? For safety, use yours on the floor or a yoga mat (as opposed to on top of your bed) for no more than 20 to 30 minutes—and always unplug it after you’re done.

Can sauna blankets help with stress?

TBH, there isn’t enough scientific evidence to support that sauna blankets can quell stress on a physiological level. But setting aside time to relax in one allows you to take a breather, and that’s definitely a win for your mental (and physical) health.

“The biggest benefit comes from the commitment, stillness, and mindfulness of taking a pause in your day and allowing that down-regulation of cortisol, stress, and inflammation,” says Cynthia Thaik, MD, a Los Angeles-based cardiologist and the author of Your Vibrant Heart: Restoring Health, Strength & Spirit from the Body's Core. Here for that.

What's the deal with the Higher Dose sauna blanket all over Instagram?

Celebs and influencers appear to be hooked on this particular sauna blanket, not to mention several WH editors. It retails for $600.

Just like any other sauna blanket, its proven benefits beyond relaxation and stress relief are up for debate. But if it makes you feel good to use it and motivates you to prioritize self-care, that's great!

"I love to use mine for 20 to 30 minutes, three to four times a week, after the sun goes down to help quiet my mind and relax my body before bedtime," says Jacqueline Andriakos, health and fitness director at Women's Health. (She was gifted her blanket as part of a wellness event.) "While I'm partial to foam rolling and ice therapy for workout recovery, using my sauna blanket helps me let go of some of the tension I carry from working in front of my computer all day." (Her tip: Put on your favorite podcast or a meditation, light a candle, prop your head with a small pillow, and turn off the lights for a total DIY spa experience.)

Andriakos also doesn't like being uncomfortably hot in a traditional sauna, or even a full-body infrared chamber. "I can only last a few minutes in a regular sauna, but the blanket doesn't get too hot, plus your head is exposed—much more enjoyable for someone like me," she explains.

One small downside, though, is that you do have to wear loose, cotton clothing and socks to protect your skin from discomfort or irritation. "Feeling sticky and damp in clothes inside the blanket took some getting used to," she says. Ultimately, though, she recommends the blanket if you're considering investing in one.

The bottom line: Don't expect and weight loss or recovery miracles with a sauna blanket. But the possible relaxation benefits are totally legit.

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