How Saturn Retrograde Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign From June to November 2023

In the realm of astrology, the term “retrograde” has come to be associated with confusion, distraction and drama, but there’s so much more to this phenomenon than meets the eye. When you consider how Saturn retrograde will affect each zodiac sign for the next five months, you might realize that retrogrades can actually be helpful, motivating and realigning in so many ways.

With that being said, it’s understandable if the idea of a malefic planet like Saturn stationing retrograde sounds foreboding. Saturn is the planet of karma, restriction, commitment, responsibility and discipline, making it no walk around the park. Moving through Pisces since March 2023, Saturn is currently reconstructing our world in an empathic, nebulous, emotional and idealistic water sign. This transit has been encouraging us to look beyond the fantasies we escape to so that we can find a more grounded and practical truth in our spiritualities and imaginations. Saturn in Pisces does not want us to stop dreaming, but it does want us to dream more effectively, meaningfully and intentionally.

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Before you jump to negative conclusions, let’s remember that Saturn is retrograde almost 50% of the time. Not only are you well-acquainted with this energy, but you probably won’t feel its full impact at first. That’s because the effects of Saturn retrograde tend to unfold gradually, revealing its influence over time. Unlike Mercury—an inner planet that governs day-to-day aspects of your life—Saturn is a generational planet that shapes the larger trends of your life.

Saturn will station retrograde at 7 degrees Pisces on June 17 at exactly 1:27 p.m. ET. Because the 7th degree is ruled by Libra—the zodiac sign of balance, harmony and one-on-one partnerships—this retrograde is likely to challenge our faith in our relationships and encourage us to be more honest with ourselves.

Saturn retrograde begins on June 17 and stations direct on November 4.

Retrogrades always turn a planet’s energy inward, which encourages a more introspective and reflective shift in Saturn’s approach. This retrograde could temper the harsh and heavy-handed impact Saturn often has on our external reality, loosening us up enough to process all the lessons we’ve been learning since Saturn entered Pisces three months ago. When Saturn stations direct at exactly 0 degrees Pisces on November 4, you will be given a second chance to succeed at something you’ve been struggling to get right. Just give Saturn retrograde some time to help you ponder, process and form a new game plan. Think of it this way: Saturn in Pisces has been laying down the law. Saturn retrograde will help you learn how to abide by these laws (as well as work your way around them).

Here’s what you can expect from the upcoming Saturn retrograde, according to your sun and/or rising sign (and seriously, you’re missing out if you don’t read these horoscopes for your rising sign):

How Saturn Retrograde Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign

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