Sarah Paulson’s Reason for not Wanting Kids Is Totally Valid

Sarah Paulson has no interest in being a mother, and she’s an open book as to why.

The Ocean’s Eight star spoke candidly about her ambivalence toward becoming a parent in an interview with Town & Country yesterday, admitting, “I don’t want to look at my child and say, ‘You’re the most extraordinary thing that ever happened to me, but also the death knell.’”

The 43-year-old, who’s currently dating Emmy Award–winning actress Holland Taylor, continued to say, “It was hard for my mother to be everywhere, to come to the school play and make a living. I’ve always known what I wanted out of my professional life, and I didn’t want to turn around and go, ‘If I had only made the choice to just dedicate this time in my life to me.’ It’s selfish, but I think the word selfish gets a bad rap.” Mic. Drop.

Instead of changing diapers and signing permission slips, Paulson focuses her energy on the characters she plays, saying, “I’ve devoted more time and energy to creating a soft landing for all of them… So I have been of service in a way.”

She’s an autonomous woman, hear her roar. 

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