Sarah Michelle Gellar’s ‘Cruel Intentions’ Sneak Peek Is Giving Us Major ’90s Beauty Envy


With the reboot of the 1999 film Cruel Intentions currently filming, Sarah Michele Gellar has been actively updating her social media accounts with some fantastic, behind-the-scenes looks from the set. The images are obviously of her character Kathryn Merteuil, the shrewd villain portrayed in the original movie, but what’s even more fascinating is how perfectly ’90s her look currently is (especially considering that ’90s beauty trends are everywhere right now).

Gellar rocks ultradark hair, black eyeliner-rimmed eyes and an overall sophisticated look for her role revival. Her chic style is one that we’re even considering recreating ourselves (that’s how enviable it currently is). So, for those of us seeking a similar look, simply sweep your hair into a sleek updo, go heavy on the eyeliner, and keep the rest of your makeup neutral.


(Images Courtesy of Instagram/Sarah Michelle Gellar)

Read This Next: Sarah Michelle Gellar Goes Brunette for ‘Cruel Intentions’ Reboot

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