Sarah Jessica Parker Plans to Give Her Children the Best Gift a Mother Can Give: Designer Shoes

Sarah Jessica Parker has grand plans for her illustrious shoe collection, and no, they’re definitely not going to Kim Cattrall.

The Sex and the City star says her closet boasts plenty of sentimental Manolos and Jimmy Choos, and she intends to let her children—primarily her 8-year-old twin daughters, Tabitha and Marion—have full rein of her coveted wardrobe when the time comes. 

But her generosity comes at a cost. SJP told People, “I expect that at some point I will give them my shoes, and my concern is that they’re gonna be taller than me and they’re gonna fit [into] the shoes at the wrong time. They’ll do with them what they want—they can give them away, share them with friends, sell them, have a stoop sale, whatever they want.” (Please invite us to that stoop sale.)

The actress-cum-designer continued to outline her gifting technique, saying, “I think things that I saved are obviously sentimental professionally or personally, and they can go duke it out and figure that out.”

We’ve never been jealous of 8-year-old girls, but there’s always a first for everything.

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