San Francisco’s Historic UN Plaza Is Getting Turned Into a Skate Plaza

San Francisco is a city that is basically set up for skateboarders; perfect banks, extremely long hills, and steep handrails. A few days ago the city decided to its adding an addition in favor of skaters, by transforming a historic site into a beautifully crafted skate plaza.

The city hired Kanfoush Custom Concrete to sculpt the new plaza in the historic UN plaza, which recently has been abandoned attracting quite the unwelcoming crowd.

The Anti-Hero pro Austin Kanfoush runs the Kanfoush Custom Concrete company, and the mud he lays down is surely not to disappoint, so we can only assume the new skate plaza is going to be perfectly sculpted.

There’s no official design released yet or a completion date but the crew has started the demo work on the old plaza and will be setting forms in no time!

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