San Diego Zoo Shares Interesting Facts About Cats Most People Haven't Heard Of

Have you heard of these animals before?

One of the reasons why we love going to the zoo is because we see so many different animals. Plus, we learn so much and sometimes, we even see animals we've never even heard of before. And thanks to TikTok, we get to learn about animals without ever having to go to the zoo.

In a recent clip from the San Diego Zoo, we learned about three new cats we haven't previously heard of before and we bet you haven't either. The clip, which was posted to the TikTok account @sandiegozoo reached over 6.5 million views. Take a look and see if you recognize any of these animals!

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Wow! Will there ever be a day we don't learn something from TikTok? We've never heard about any of these cats before. But now we have a new favorite cat type. The sand cat is our personal favorite! So cute!

"But they're so cute!!! 10/10 would still pspspspspsps," said @iwantaraccoonplease. HA! They're beyond adorable that we too would try to call them over. "I'd still try to pet them. LOL," added @knownascupcake. It would be so hard not to.

Some TikTokers are well versed in their cat knowledge as they already heard of these three before. @gooseeatsholywater wrote, "Proud to say I knew them all!" We have a feeling if we watch enough TikTok, we'll know all the animal breeds in no time. LOL!

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