Samsung also plans to follow Apple design for another key S24 feature

 A render of the Samsung Galaxy S24 in white on a white background.
A render of the Samsung Galaxy S24 in white on a white background.

After the recent launch of the iPhone 15 range, the attention of phone fans is now shifting towards the other major brand – Samsung. The Korean brand have gone head-to-head with Apple for years, vying for top spot in the industry.

We recently saw render of the Samsung Galaxy S24 range. Those showed off a particularly iPhone inspired design, with flat edges marking a notable departure for the range – the Samsung Galaxy S23, for example, uses curved edges.

Now, another popular feature from the iPhone 15 Pro models looks set to feature on the new Android phone range. According to Tech_Reve – a notable tech tipster with a decent reputation for leaks – the Galaxy S24 range will utilise titanium frames.

Interestingly, Samsung look set to employ the material across all of the devices in their range. That goes a step further than Apple, who have only used it on their Pro-tier handsets.

That should make the devices lighter, though the difference is unlikely to be as dramatic as it was on the iPhone. Those switched from steel to titanium, where the older Samsung units are moving from aluminium.

It's not a universally accepted rumour, though. Fellow tech tipster, Ice Universe, replied to the tweet, saying "Only Ultra", suggesting that the lower tier models wouldn't gain the upgrade.

Tech_Reve responded, saying "Samsung Electronics plans to produce titanium frames for standard models on its domestic production line in Vietnam and will receive supplies of titanium frames for the Plus and Ultra models from two partner companies." Drama.

Of course, we're still some way from the expected launch of these handsets. New flagship Samsung phones tend to be released in February, meaning we're still about four months away from the launch date.

That's long enough that things could still change, so it's worth taking this with a pinch of salt for now. While it could well be the plan right now, there's no guarantee that it will remain the plan by the time the launch looms nearer.