Samantha Markle Claims Her House Is Being Bugged...So, Yeah

Photo credit: FOX - Getty Images
Photo credit: FOX - Getty Images

From Cosmopolitan

Today in "huh, okay then" news, Meghan Markle's half-sister Samatha Markle is out here on Twitter claiming that her home is being bugged. "To the morons sitting in the van running a mobile router to tap my phone, close your zippers, your shrinky dinks are visible," she wrote along with a classic GIF of Joey from Friends.

It's unclear who Samantha claims is tapping into her phones, but she also says that she's had "remote cameras" put on her. Assuming this is actually happening, it sounds very wrong and stressful. But hey! At least she has a good sense of humor about it!

Samantha has been quite active on Twitter lately, routinely bashing her sister for not making amends with their father Thomas Markle, comparing Prince Harry to a hamster, and calling Meghan "The DuchASS," which to be honest is a pretty solid sibling burn. She's also-lest you forget!-working on her autobiography, which appears to be called In the Shadows of the Duchess.

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