Your Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope for February

Your Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope for February

Add These Dates to Your GCal:

  • Feb. 1: New Moon in Aquarius

  • Feb. 3: Mercury Direct in Capricorn

  • Feb. 4: Sun conjunct Saturn in Aquarius

  • Feb. 11: Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn

  • Feb. 16: Full Moon in Leo

  • Feb. 17: Jupiter in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus

  • Feb. 18: Pisces season begins

  • Feb. 24: Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus

Welcome to February, you passionate Sagittarius! The month starts off with loads of momentum with a New Moon in Aquarius on February 1. This New Moon activates your 3rd house of communication, learning, teaching, local community, and siblings. Phew! If you’re feeling extra busy, well, that may just be Aquarius season for you. Whether you’re eager to soak up all the knowledge you can or spending time with like-minded people, there’s some tension in your daily routine. This lunation forms a tough angle with Uranus, the planet of disruption. You may be biting off more than you can chew and finding yourself overwhelmed in the process. This is a time to be more mindful about how you spend your time. Every minute counts!

If you’ve been experiencing some financial stress, help is on the way! On February 3, Mercury goes direct in Capricorn. Mercury Retrograde has been residing in your 2nd house of income and resources, which may mean that a few checks may have been lost in the mail, or you’re overthinking your retirement plans when you haven’t even hit your 30s yet. Cut yourself some slack: As the messenger planet moves forward, so do your finances.

The Sun and Saturn meet up for their yearly hang on February 4, which can add a sense of discipline to your day. You may feel pulled in many directions, like lots of people are relying on you. While being a source of advice and authority is flattering, it can also be exhausting. Your hard work and insight are appreciated, just know that. On February 11, Mercury and Pluto meet, and you could receive news that shifts the way you view your finances. You understand your value and worth on a deeper level.

You’re thinking long-term on February 16 with the Full Moon in Leo. Along with thoughts of the future, this Full Moon could also deliver a spark of publicity in whatever realm you work or operate in. You may also be finishing up a class that will contribute to your goals and career in the near future. Fate is on your side, so listen to its whispers and secrets today. On February 17, Jupiter in Pisces and Uranus in Taurus sync up and bring much-welcomed change to your daily life at home. A new routine or change of plans brings opportunity for more growth and expansion. This is a pleasant time to be around family.

It’s time to focus on grounding, family, and home life as the sun enters Pisces on February 18. Your focus is more internal as you prefer to spend time within your home, renovating or working on projects within your house. Your attention to family matters also grows, and now is a great time to reflect on the patterns that are woven into your genetic makeup. What habits are productive and what can you benefit from changing?

On February 24, Mercury in Aquarius has some tension with Uranus in Taurus. An off-the-cuff comment can cause a domino effect and change of plans. Words are hurtful today and if it’s not you accidentally speaking too soon, someone else may say something that strikes a cord. If you’re feeling hurt, carve out extra time to rest and nurture yourself however you need to—don’t rush forward with plans just because you made them a few weeks back. Be mindful of your self-care today.

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