Your Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope for December

Your Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope for December

From Cosmopolitan

Add these dates to your GCal:

  • December 14: Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius

  • December 17: Saturn enters Aquarius

  • December 19: Jupiter enters Aquarius

  • December 21: Sun enters Capricorn

  • December 21: Jupiter conjunct Saturn

  • December 29: Full Moon in Cancer

Damn, what a year it’s been. If you’re like me, you may be tempted to skip over December entirely—2020 is exhausting! But alas, the astrology of this month is powerful, important, and will not be ignored. So take a deep breath and dive in. We’ve got work to do!

First, a Solar Eclipse occurs in your own sign on December 14, continuing the Gemini-Sagittarius eclipse series that started in June 2020 and won't end until December 2021. For you, Sag babe, this is about to get very personal. Mid-month, the Solar Eclipse will create a powerful, energetic link between your present-day circumstances and your long-term potentiality, so this lunation will be defined by powerful evolution. In the past, this transformation may have coincided with a plane ticket. But now, against the backdrop of a global pandemic, you’re realizing that the most important discoveries actually take place internally. You’re different than you were before—so carve out time to consider exactly what’s shifted. Be sure to jot these musing downs—right now, you’re in the process of writing your own narrative. This is major!

Next, on December 17, Saturn (the task-master of the cosmos) glides into Aquarius, activating your communication zone and helping you discover new modes of expression. This celestial motion will be especially potent for Sagittarians born between 1991 and 1994: If this is you, Saturn’s motion into Aquarius will be kickstarting your Saturn Return, which means you’re about to define your identity like never before. But even if you aren’t on the brink of your Saturn Return, all celestial archers will feel the impact of Saturns’ motion through Aquarius. Through 2023, get ready to face some sizable adjustments within your interpersonal dynamics.

Pivots aren’t always easy, but thankfully, Jupiter (your planetary ruler) is also moving into Aquarius on December 19, which help make even the most challenging transitions a bit more seamless. Get ready for groundbreaking transformation over the next 12 months. Yes, you may be switching up your friends, colleagues, classmates—but don’t fret, Sagittarius babe! Jupiter reminds us that, at the end of the day, change is a very, very good thing.

You’ve been celebrating your birthday season for literally weeks, but on December 21, it’s time to pass the torch. Early that morning, the Sun pivots into Capricorn, launching the Winter Solstice and a new astrological season. But just a few hours later, an extremely rare cosmic event also electrifies the sky: Jupiter and Saturn form the “Great Conjunction,” an alignment that only happens every twenty years. That’s right, Sagittarius—these two head honchos haven't hung out since the year 2000, so their reunion is going to be...interesting. Can you have too much abundance? If your schedule is packed solid from morning to night with virtually *zero* time to eat, shower, or even use the toilet...the answer is yes. Thankfully, the Great Conjunction will help you establish some much-needed boundaries. By the end of the month, you’ll want to make sure you’re taking care of your wants, needs, and expectations. TL;DR: Communication is key!

But wait, there’s more! On December 29, a Full Moon in Cancer highlights the financial sector of your chart, aligning your emotions with your monetary goals. Let’s be honest: Your relationship with money has transformed this year—and that’s not necessarily a bad thing! Whether you’re discussing a raise with your boss or investing more resources in your side hustle, remember that you (and you alone) define your worth. After all, 2021 is right around the corner. Why not make it the best year yet?!

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