Saffron Zucchini Risotto Recipe

saffron zucchini risotto on plate
saffron zucchini risotto on plate - Tanika Douglas/Tasting Table

Searching for the ultimate date night meal? This elegant saffron zucchini risotto by Tanika Douglas could be the answer. Risotto is a well loved Italian dish that turns the everyday ingredient of rice into something spectacular. This comforting version pairs subtle zucchini and vibrant saffron for a delicious fusion of flavors. Each strand of saffron lends a distinctive earthy, sweet aroma and bright golden hue to the dish, transforming it into a meal as satisfying as it is eye-catching. Douglas states, "The star of this risotto, alongside saffron, is the humble yet versatile zucchini. Thinly sliced and perfectly sauteed until golden brown, the zucchini adds a touch of caramelized earthiness that complements the saffron-infused rice beautifully."

The recipe begins with a simple yet crucial step of saffron infusion, which imparts its unique essence to the dish. As the zucchini sizzles in the pan and the aroma of onion and garlic fills the air, you will be well on your way to creating a warming, soul-satisfying dish that is sure to become a true favorite. While making your first risotto can be a daunting endeavor, Douglas' easy-to-follow recipe walks you through the process step by step, helping you master the art of preparing the perfect risotto. "This delicious dish is sure to become an instant crowd pleaser, allowing you to whip up a restaurant-worthy meal in the comfort of your own home," says Douglas.

Read more: The 20 Best Olive Oils For Cooking

Gather The Ingredients For Saffron Zucchini Risotto

ingredients for the saffron zucchini risotto
ingredients for the saffron zucchini risotto - Tanika Douglas/Tasting Table

To create this delectable saffron zucchini risotto, you will need vegetable stock, saffron threads, olive oil, zucchini, unsalted butter, onion, garlic cloves, arborio rice, white wine, finely chopped parsley, pecorino cheese, salt, pepper, and parsley leaves. In order to release the starch in the rice grains and create a velvety, luscious risotto, using arborio rice is the key. A sibling of arborio is carnaroli rice, another well known variety for risotto. However, carnaroli is generally tricker to source and can often be found in gourmet grocers, while arborio can be found in the vast majority of supermarkets.

"The saffron is the most important flavor in this risotto, so it needs to be fresh, high quality, and pungent," Douglas says. "The zucchini is subtle, which allows the unique notes of the vibrant saffron to shine." Adding salty umami to the risotto is pecorino, which Douglas explains can be replaced with Parmesan if needed. "In addition, even though the parsley offers a fresh, green flavor, basil is equally delicious as a substitution," she says.

Step 1: Heat The Vegetable Stock

pot of stock on stove
pot of stock on stove - Tanika Douglas/Tasting Table

Add the vegetable stock to a pot, bring to a boil, and then turn down to a low simmer and keep hot.

Step 2: Infuse The Saffron

saffron stock steeping in bowl
saffron stock steeping in bowl - Tanika Douglas/Tasting Table

Pour 1 cup stock into a bowl and add the saffron. Set aside and allow to steep.

Step 3: Prep The Zucchini

sliced zucchinis on board
sliced zucchinis on board - Tanika Douglas/Tasting Table

Slice the zucchinis into ¼-inch rounds.

Step 4: Heat The Pan

pouring olive oil into pan
pouring olive oil into pan - Tanika Douglas/Tasting Table

Place a pan over medium-high heat and add 1 tablespoon olive oil.

Step 5: Cook The Zucchini Slices

zucchini slices cooking in pan
zucchini slices cooking in pan - Tanika Douglas/Tasting Table

Add the zucchini slices to the pan, and cook for 2 minutes on each side until golden brown and tender.

Step 6: Drain The Zucchini

fried zucchini slices on paper towel
fried zucchini slices on paper towel - Tanika Douglas/Tasting Table

Remove the zucchini from the pan and let drain on a paper towel-lined plate. Set aside.

Step 7: Start The Risotto

chopped onion going into pan
chopped onion going into pan - Tanika Douglas/Tasting Table

Using the same pan, reduce the heat to medium and add the butter, remaining olive oil, onion, and garlic.

Step 8: Cook The Onion And Garlic

onion and garlic cooking in pan
onion and garlic cooking in pan - Tanika Douglas/Tasting Table

Cook for 3 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the onion is soft.

Step 9: Saute The Rice

rice going into pan for risotto
rice going into pan for risotto - Tanika Douglas/Tasting Table

Add the rice and saute for 2 minutes until the grains are translucent around the edges.

Step 10: Pour In The White Wine

wine going into pan of risotto
wine going into pan of risotto - Tanika Douglas/Tasting Table

Pour in the white wine and stir for 1 minute, allowing the alcohol to evaporate.

Step 11: Add The Zucchini Slices

fried zucchini in risotto
fried zucchini in risotto - Tanika Douglas/Tasting Table

Add half of the fried zucchini slices, keeping the rest aside for garnish.

Step 12: Add The Hot Stock

risotto cooking in pan
risotto cooking in pan - Tanika Douglas/Tasting Table

Pour in ½ cup hot stock and stir constantly. Allow the liquid to completely absorb, then add another ladle of stock.

Step 13: Continue Cooking The Risotto

closeup of zucchini risotto in pan
closeup of zucchini risotto in pan - Tanika Douglas/Tasting Table

Repeat the process of adding ½ cup stock, stirring, and letting the rice absorb the liquid until the grains are al dente. You may not use all of the stock.

Step 14: Mix In The Saffron Stock

saffron risotto going into pan
saffron risotto going into pan - Tanika Douglas/Tasting Table

Stir in the saffron-infused stock, then turn off the heat.

Step 15: Finish The Risotto

hand sprinkling grated cheese in risotto
hand sprinkling grated cheese in risotto - Tanika Douglas/Tasting Table

Stir in the chopped parsley and half of the grated pecorino. Taste and season with salt and pepper.

Step 16: Serve The Saffron Zucchini Risotto

saffron zucchini risotto on plate
saffron zucchini risotto on plate - Tanika Douglas/Tasting Table

Spoon the risotto onto serving plates and garnish with the leftover fried zucchini, grated pecorino cheese, and parsley leaves. Enjoy immediately.

What Are Mistakes To Avoid When Making Saffron Zucchini Risotto?

two plates of saffron zucchini risotto
two plates of saffron zucchini risotto - Tanika Douglas/Tasting Table

While many cooks find making the perfect risotto daunting, there are numerous ways to ensure that your risotto is silky, soft, and oh so morish. The most common mistake that people make is rushing the process. Risotto is a labor of love that requires plenty of patience. Douglas recommends, "Avoid the temptation to rush through the cooking process. Adding stock too quickly or cooking over high heat can result in unevenly cooked rice."

The second most important aspect to consider when cooking the risotto is the variety of rice. Arborio is commonly used when creating the perfect risotto, though carnaroli, while less common, also produces impeccable results. Short-grain rice, when stirred frequently, takes on a creamy, velvety texture, which is what makes risotto so enjoyable. Steer clear of longer grains, which won't end up nearly as rich.

In addition, adding hot stock to the rice is incredibly important, as cold stock can disrupt the cooking process and result in unevenly cooked grains. Stirring is another simple key to achieving a creamy consistency for risotto. Frequent stirring releases the starch in the rice, creating the desired texture. "Risotto should be cooked until the grains are al dente, or soft with a slight bite. Overcooking can lead to mushy, stodgy, undesirable risotto," Douglas says. "Following these steps will help you cook the ultimate velvety risotto that is impossible to resist."

What Is Saffron?

close up of saffron zucchini risotto on plate
close up of saffron zucchini risotto on plate - Tanika Douglas/Tasting Table

Saffron is often referred to as the king of spices and is a unique, sought-after ingredient derived from the delicate threads of the Crocus sativus flower. The dark red threads are hand-harvested, requiring a large number of flowers to produce a very small amount of saffron. This labor-intensive process contributes to saffron often being referred to as "worth its weight in gold." 'Saffron imparts an incredibly unique flavor into the dishes that is hard to replicate with any other spice. It boasts a delicate, earthy, and slightly floral taste with a hint of honey-like sweetness. With its warm and pungent notes, this unique combination of flavors makes it a versatile spice in both sweet and savory recipes," says Douglas.

In the culinary world, saffron is frequently used to add depth and complexity to a wide range of dishes, including paellas, risottos, bouillabaisse, biryanis, and various desserts like saffron ice cream or saffron-infused milk puddings. It's particularly prized for its ability to lend a brilliant golden-yellow color to foods, giving them an instant appeal. Saffron can be found in various forms, including whole threads, powdered saffron, and saffron extracts. However, it is important to be cautious when purchasing saffron, as there are many counterfeit products. Authentic saffron should have a strong aroma, vibrant color, and a slightly sweet and earthy fragrance. Saffron's unique taste and vivid color make it a desired ingredient in kitchens, adding a touch of elegance and richness to dishes.

Saffron Zucchini Risotto

saffron zucchini risotto on plate
saffron zucchini risotto on plate - Tanika Douglas/Tasting Table

Prep Time: 10mCook Time: 30mYield: 4 servingsIngredients

  • 6 cups vegetable stock

  • ½ teaspoon saffron threads

  • 2 tablespoons olive oil, divided

  • 2 zucchini

  • 2 ½ tablespoons unsalted butter

  • 1 onion

  • 2 garlic cloves, peeled and minced

  • 1 ½ cups arborio rice

  • ½ cup white wine

  • ¼ cup finely chopped fresh parsley, plus more for serving

  • ¾ cup grated pecorino cheese, divided

  • ½ teaspoon salt

  • ½ teaspoon pepper


  1. Add the vegetable stock to a pot, bring to a boil, and then turn down to a low simmer and keep hot.

  2. Pour 1 cup stock into a bowl and add the saffron. Set aside and allow to steep.

  3. Slice the zucchini into ¼-inch rounds.

  4. Place a pan over medium-high heat and add 1 tablespoon olive oil.

  5. Add the zucchini slices to the pan, and cook for 2 minutes on each side until golden brown and tender.

  6. Remove the zucchini from the pan and let drain on a paper towel-lined plate. Set aside.

  7. Using the same pan, reduce the heat to medium and add the butter, remaining olive oil, onion, and garlic.

  8. Cook for 3 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the onion is soft.

  9. Add the rice and saute for 2 minutes until the grains are translucent around the edges.

  10. Pour in the white wine and stir for 1 minute, allowing the alcohol to evaporate.

  11. Add half of the fried zucchini slices, keeping the rest aside for garnish.

  12. Pour in ½ cup hot stock and stir constantly. Allow the liquid to completely absorb, then add another ladle of stock.

  13. Repeat the process of adding ½ cup stock, stirring, and letting the rice absorb the liquid until the grains are al dente. You may not use all of the stock.

  14. Stir in the saffron-infused stock, then turn off the heat.

  15. Stir in the chopped parsley and half of the grated pecorino. Taste and season with salt and pepper.

  16. Spoon the risotto onto serving plates and garnish with the leftover fried zucchini, grated pecorino cheese, and parsley leaves. Enjoy immediately.

Read the original article on Tasting Table.