Is It Safe To Sleep on Your Right Side During Pregnancy?

You might've heard that you can't sleep on your right side while pregnant—but is this actually true? We spoke with experts to learn more.

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Medically reviewed by Iya Mystique Hargrove, M.S., CFSD, CBS, CLE, CBE

There are plenty of myths regarding sleep positions during pregnancy, so if you find yourself searching for answers to questions like, Why can't I sleep on my right side while pregnant? Have no fear—science says you can. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) says left—or right—sided sleeping during pregnancy is safe.

It's true that health care providers generally recommend sleeping with a little tilt to the left. This position improves circulation, and it takes pressure off the aorta and inferior vena cava, which provides blood flow to the heart and your fetus. But despite the misconception, sleeping on your right side while pregnant isn't usually harmful.

You have plenty to think (and worry) about during pregnancy, but your sleep position needn't be one of them. We broke down what experts say about side-sleeping, back-sleeping, and stomach-sleeping positions. Here's what they had to say.

Related: How to Get a Good Night's Sleep While Pregnant

Sleeping On Your Side

Experts have long advised pregnant people to sleep on their left side because previous studies showed sleeping on the right side increased the risks of stillbirth, reduced fetal growth, low birth weight, and preeclampsia.

However, more current research suggests that sleeping on the left side may not be necessary. Specifically, one study of 8,700 participants found that back and right-sided sleeping did not increase the risks of stillbirth, low birth weight, or "gestational hypertensive disorders" through 30 weeks of pregnancy. Researchers say this is reassuring news, especially for those who have trouble lying on their left side or who often wake up in a position they were told not to be in.

The ACOG says the best sleeping position during pregnancy is on your side. This is especially true during your second and third trimesters when the weight of the fetus is more likely to compress the major blood vessels when you're on your back. When these blood vessels are compressed, it can stop blood flow to your uterus, possibly reducing blood flow to the fetus. In addition, you might feel dizzy or light-headed.

Sleeping On Your Back

Experts say to avoid sleeping flat on your back for prolonged periods after about 20 weeks. Why is that? The major blood vessels in the body (the aorta and the vena cava) run just next to the spine on the right side of the body. After about 20 weeks, the weight of the uterus can compress these vessels and decrease blood flow back to your heart and the fetus.

According to researchers, sleeping on your back during late pregnancy increases the chance of stillbirth and may result in "fetal cerebral redistribution," where blood flows to the brain at the expense of other vital organs.

But don't worry too much if you occasionally wake up on your back. Simply move to a side-lying position again when you wake. In addition, you may find that placing a pillow behind your back will help prevent you from rolling onto your back in your sleep.

Sleeping On Your Stomach

The ACOG says that stomach sleeping is fine in the earlier months of pregnancy; however, it will naturally become uncomfortable as your belly grows. As your pregnancy progresses, you might experience swollen, tender breasts, a sore lower back, and a difficult time getting comfortable lying down with a growing belly.

To help alleviate discomfort, try using a full-body maternity contouring pillow that you can easily shape to your body and get the support you need so you can rest. In one randomized-controlled study, researchers found that when pregnant people switched to a memory foam mattress and pillow, they experienced less pain and discomfort—the added support meant a better night's sleep.

Or, if you have extra pillows, try using them strategically to help ease discomfort by propping up your belly, placing one between your knees to support your back, or anywhere else that feels comfortable to you.

Sleeping on your stomach won't hurt you or your growing fetus, but it will likely become pretty uncomfortable, so get creative to find ways to get a good night's sleep.

Pregnancy Sleep Tips

It can be challenging to sleep during pregnancy. In addition to your growing abdomen, which makes it harder to get comfortable, you're also limited in choosing positions. Not only that, but you may be making multiple trips to the bathroom through the night or experiencing pregnancy-related aches and pains, like heartburn and restless legs.

But never fear: There are pregnancy sleep tips that can help make pregnancy sleep more comfortably:

  • Reduce bathroom runs by limiting your water intake before bedtime.

  • Eliminate caffeinated drinks, especially before bed.

  • Lower the risk of heartburn by ensuring your last meal is a few hours before snoozing.

  • Exercise each day to expend energy and reduce the risk of nighttime leg cramps (just try not to exercise right before bed).

  • Meditate, journal, or talk to a friend to reduce stress before bed.

  • Establish and stick to a soothing bedtime routine.

  • Use a body pillow or stacked pillows to get comfortable.

  • If you don't sleep enough at night, take short naps during the day.

  • Take a childbirth class to help you feel prepared and relaxed.

If you are having trouble sleeping during pregnancy—or if you have questions or concerns about sleep positions—talk to your doctor. They may be able to offer you helpful suggestions to get you back to a peaceful zzzs.

Key Takeaways

Experts recommend sleeping on your side during pregnancy. While health care providers used to suggest left-side sleeping because it's more optimal for blood flow, current research doesn't support restricting right-sided sleeping. The main sleep position to avoid in pregnancy is black-lying because it constricts the major blood vessels in your back, especially in late pregnancy.

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