Ryan Reynolds may have just revealed the sex of his new baby!

Ryan Reynolds may have just revealed the sex of his new baby!
Ryan Reynolds may have just revealed the sex of his new baby!

They were trying desperately to keep it on the LD, but…oops! According to US Weekly, Ryan Reynolds seemingly revealed the gender of baby #2 with Blake Lively. Yup, he mentioned his “daughter’s crib” on Twitter. Of course, the couple’s first child is a girl (with the gender neutral name James), so the tweet could be referring to her. We understand the element of mystery; they’ve done a good job of keeping their daughter out of the public eye so far, and their second baby deserves the same respect. But seriously, is the newborn a girl, or what?!

Here’s the tweet that sent everybody into amateur sleuth-mode.

Did he really slip? Or is he trying to throw us off guard? Being notoriously private is fine and everything, but can we just get a name at least? Come on! This is driving us into crazy town.

Maybe Reynolds will accidentally post a photo of the little one on Instagram, and we’ll know for sure (hint hint). But regardless of the sex, at least we know that the both children are super lucky to have been born with these parents.

Two Deadpools, one cup. Your turn #L

A photo posted by Blake Lively (@blakelively) on Feb 6, 2016 at 8:15am PST

We couldn’t be happier for their growing family, which will probably grow even more in the near future — since Reynolds and Lively have claimed they’re not done having kids.

Hey, nothing wrong with more Reynolds-Lively genes in the world!

Currently monitoring Twitter for more baby-related tweets.

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