Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Longtime Trainer Honored Her With Pushups

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As the nation is reeling from the loss of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg at the age of 87, many are honoring her in heartwarming ways.

Throughout her life, the Justice was known for her strength, and often that meant the physical kind. Her longtime trainer of 20 years, Bryant Johnson, even wrote a book dedicated to the workouts the two of them did together.

On Friday, while she laid in repose at the state capitol, Johnson decided to honor their relationship and her dedication to lifelong fitness with an endearing salute: a little workout. When it was his turn to approach the casket, he got down on his hands and did three perfect push-ups.

In an interview late last year, Johnson talked about his relationship with the Justice and how, even in illness, fitness was always important to her.

“They said, 'The justice wants to see you.' I'm thinking to myself, 'You just got released from the hospital.' 'She still wants to see you.' So I actually met her at her house. And it wasn’t the fact that we could do a whole lot but it was the fact that she needed to see where she was and we're gonna take it from that point," he told ABC 7 in November after she was in the hospital.

He also claimed that she would leave important dinners in order to get her workout in. "I looked and said 'Justice, you left the president to come do the workout?' Johnson explained. "And [she] said 'Yes, gotta do my pushups, gotta do my planks and my workout.' I was like 'Yes, nice!'”

RELATED: The Loss of RBG Is an Ending — and a New Beginning

Of course, we've all seen the video of her lifting weights in a sweatshirt that said "super diva."

Even in death, Justice Ginsburg is breaking barriers for women. This week, she became the first woman to lie in state in the US capitol.