Russell Brand Is Dropping Tons of Kundalini Meditation Tips On Instagram

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By now, you're (hopefully!) aware that taking up a regular meditation practice can come with a host of mind and body benefits (i.e. lower stress levels, sounder sleep, reduced anxiety and depression, etc.). And if there's anyone who's familiar with the potential perks of meditation, it's Russell Brand. For years, the comedian has been providing related inspiration on his Instagram and YouTube channel, from guided meditations for anxiety to, most recently, tips and tools for trying Kundalini meditation.

ICYDK, Brand has been practicing various forms of meditation for years, making time for breathwork and body scans at least twice a day to help remain aware and present in his body and support his sobriety. Lately, he's sharing his journey into Kundalini meditation with his 2.2 million followers, making a pretty strong case for adding the ancient, yoga-based meditation practice into your self-care routine.

First, a bit of background: Kundalini meditation is thought to be one of the oldest forms of meditation, predicated on the belief that everyone has intensely strong coiled energy at the base of their spine. (Kundalini actually means "coiled snake" in Sanskrit.) The powerful practice is all about "creating this container of energy and helping tap into your highest self through breathwork, Kundalini yoga poses, mantras, and active meditation," which can help you "work to manifest whatever it is you desire," as Kundalini meditation teacher Erika Polsinelli previously told Shape.

Essentially, a Kundalini practice is a bit more active than other forms of meditation (think: the type that's more focused on sitting quietly and settling the thoughts racing through your mind) thanks to its use of yoga poses and breathwork, which are accompanied by affirmations and mantras that guide the practice. Practitioners believe it can help calm the mind, balance the nervous system, improve cognitive function, as well as increase flexibility and strength if paired with movement.

As for Brand, he's guiding followers through some quick Kundalini meditations with focused goals, such as "to reorganize your perception," "feel more present and protected," or "boost the immune system." And while he admits that he's a "not a qualified Kundalini teacher," he explains that the Kundalini exercises are somewhat "self-explanatory" and breaks them down to make the practice easier for newbies and meditation gurus alike. Take his January 5th Instagram video for example: Before beginning the practice, Brand explains what to expect and demonstrates the specific types of breathwork and movements that will follow.

The British celebrity incorporates chanting of Kundalini mantras such as "Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo," which means "I bow to the Creative Wisdom, I bow to the Divine Teacher within," and is usually used to help begin the practice, according to 3HO, the global Kundalini Yoga community. He then leads into breathwork such as breath of fire (which involves repeated quick, sharp exhales out of the nose) and more mantras, depending on the focus.

A yoga devotee, Brand explains that he likes the one-two punch of Kundalini, with its short, rapid breaths and mantras that can be said out loud or internally, because it "changes your psychic state." And if you're someone who struggles with staying focused during meditation (and TBH, keeping your mind from wandering is tough), you might also be a fan of Kundalini meditation. A more active form of meditation might be just what you need for staying engaged and present, while also helping to clear your cluttered mind and allow you to let go of whatever ickiness you might be holding onto. Even better? You can do all of Brand's techniques without any equipment as long as you have a little wiggle room and a few free minutes.

Still a meditation skeptic? Doing a session with a hilarious, British actor such as Brand might very well be the thing that makes you a convert.